Category Archives: Tikkun

Rabbi Mendel Kessin on Yeshua and Christianity

Many of you know that I, “TM”, greatly appreciate Rabbi Mendel Kessin’s vast knowledge of Judaism, especially topics such as the coming Messianic Kingdom or his teachings about the RaMCHaL’s “Derech Hashem” (“The Way of God”). For this reason, I have also included several pages with videos of him on my website (see category “Tikkun”).

Gila Jedwab recently interviewed Rabbi Mendel Kessin about “Yeshu”, Yeshua, falsely called “Jesus Christ” by Christianity. She put the video on YouTube, but it was removed a few hours later! I think we all know why. She was probably pressured and threatened to take it down by fellow Jews and rabbis. Kessin was clearly extremely upset – furious even – and likely led or encouraged the enforcers. What she partially exposed they wish to remain concealed.
The deep hatred in Kessin’s heart definitely was revealed. He isn’t the nice old man people think he is. He says Yeshua is in “gehinnom” (hell) and he wants him to stay there. His depth of hatred is, as he often says, “beyond belief”.

Kessin later said he would publish a new video about his view of Jesus and Christianity. He has done so. You can find it on this page as well.

I found Gila’s video again on her Rumble channel. I recommend you watch the entire discussion! What is your conclusion? Write it in the comment section below.

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Entrückung – Trennung von Fakt und Fiktion

The Rapture – Separating Fact From Fiction, übersetzt ins Deutsche mittels
Die Entrückung – Trennung von Fakt und Fiktion
Quelle | Source: Website, Seite “Rapture“.

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Es wird keine Entrückung geben

THERE WILL BE NO “RAPTURE”!, übersetzt ins Deutsche mittels
“Entrückung! Eine gefährliche Täuschung” (Eine erweiterte Überarbeitung von “Entrückung – Prophezeiung oder Irrlehre?”)
Quelle | Source: Website, Seite “RAPTURE! A Dangerous Deception“.

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Endzeit, Entrückung, Bibel

Two Painfully Obvious Reasons The Rapture Must Be Left Behind, von Stephen D.Morrison, übersetzt ins Deutsche mittels ohne manuelle Nachbesserungen.
Zwei schmerzlich offensichtliche Gründe, warum die Entrückung hinter sich gelassen werden muss
Quelle | Source: Website, Seite “Endtimes-Rapture-Bible“.

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Das Jüdische Verständnis über die Entrückung

The Jewish Understanding of the Rapture, von Torah Life Ministry, übersetzt ins Deutsche mittels und geringfügig angepasst von Th.Mäder.
Das Jüdische Verständnis über die Entrückung
Quelle | Source: Website, Seite “The Jewish Understanding of the Rapture“.

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Die Irrlehre der Entrückung – 10 Gründe

10 Reasons the Rapture Should Be “Left Behind”, von Stephen D. Morrison, übersetzt ins Deutsche – mit der freundlichen Genehmigung von S.D.Morrison – mittels und geringfügig angepasst von Th.Mäder.
10 Gründe, weshalb die Entrückung “zurückgelassen” werden muss.
Quelle | Source: Website, Seite “10 Reasons the Rapture Should Be “Left Behind”“.
Buchbestellung des Englischen Originalbuches z.B. via Amazon.

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Grafted In | Eingepfropft

Yeshua Judaism advances equality, inclusion, and brotherhood.
Akiva Judaism advances elitism, exclusion, and rabbinic authoritarianism.

~ BB, [FN1]

Jeschua-Judentum fördert Gleichheit, Einbeziehung und Brüderlichkeit.
Akiva-Judentum fördert Elitismus, Ausgrenzung und rabbinischen Autoritarismus.

~ BB, [FN1]

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God’s Name: יְהֹוָה‎

V’neemar, v’haya Adonai, L’melech al kol HaAretz, Bayom Hahu, (Bayom Hahu,) yih’yeh Adonai echad Ush’mo (Ush’mo) (Ush’mo) echad.

והיה ה’ למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה ה’ אחד ושמו אחד (זכריה 14:9)

And the Lord will be King over all the earth; on that day the Lord will be the only one, and His name the only one. (Zech. 14:9 – NASB)
Und der HERR wird König sein über die ganze Erde. An jenem Tag wird der HERR der einzige sein und sein Name der einzige. (Sach.14,9 – SLT2000).

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21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (III)

“Midah keneged Midah” (“Measure for Measure”) or: President Trump, Esav (Esau), Edom, Christianity, Ismael and Islam. A spiritual view.

➔ See also related article Understanding the Messianic Process
➔ See also Part II 21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (II)
➔ Go to Kabbalah Glossary to view terms and definitions often used by R.Kessin.

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Abschied von der Entrückung

Farewell to the Rapture, von Preachers Institute, übersetzt ins Deutsche mittels ohne manuelle Nachbesserungen.
Abschied von der Entrückung
Quelle: Website, Seite “Farewell to the Rapture”.

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21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (II)

“Midah keneged Midah” (“Measure for Measure”) or: President Trump, Esau and Christianity. A spiritual view.

➔ See also related article Understanding the Messianic Process
➔ See also Part III 21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (III)
➔ See also Part I 21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (I)
➔ Go to Kabbalah Glossary to view terms and definitions often used by R.Kessin.

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Zurück zu den Hebräischen Wurzeln

Zum Nachdenken:
Joh. 8,32 „…und (ihr) werdet die Wahrheit erkennen, und die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen.“
Die Frage ist nur: Willst Du die Wahrheit erkennen? Willst Du frei werden?

Zurück zu den Hebräischen Wurzeln

Was haben uns Kirchen und Freikirchen über die letzten Jahrzehnte gelehrt?
Wir haben den griechisch/katholischen Jesus gelehrt bekommen!
Wir haben aber nicht einen griechischen IESOUS (Jesus), sondern einen jüdischen Yeschua!
Er ist Yeschua der Messias (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach), und Yeschua bedeutet: Jahwe rettet!

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Who is Jesus? The Son of God or God the Son?

Let’s not argue. Let Yeshua (Jesus) reply himself!

(Complete Jewish Bible, David H. Stern) Mark 12:28 One of the Torah-teachers came up and heard them engaged in this discussion. Seeing that Yeshua answered them well, he asked him, “Which is the most important mitzvah of them all?” 29 Yeshua answered, “The most important is, ‘Sh’ma Yisra’el, ADONAI Eloheinu, ADONAI echad [Hear, O Isra’el, the LORD our God, the LORD is one], 30 and you are to love ADONAI your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other mitzvah greater than these.”

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Pagan Christianity? Time to ReChurch!

Are we really doing Church “By the Book”? / Lebt die Kirche wirklich gem.”dem Buch”?
Why does the pastor preach a sermon at every service? / Warum predigt der Pastor in jedem Gottesdienst?
Why do church services seem so similar week after week? / Warum ist ein Gottesdienst wie der andere?
Why does the congregation sit passively in pews? / Warum muss die Versammlung so passiv in den Stühlen sitzen?

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For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah (Lehre kommt aus Zion)

“For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah, the word of Adonai from Yerushalayim.” (Isa.2:3)
“Denn von Zion wird das Gesetz (=Lehre =Torah) ausgehen und das Wort des Herrn von Jerusalem.” (Jes.2,3)

–> Für Deutsch hier klicken. (For German scoll down.)

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Understanding The Messianic Process

  • “For the earth will be as full of the knowledge of Adonai’s glory as water covering the sea.” (Hab.2:14)
  • “To acquire wisdom, true understanding, one needs to build up concepts one after another, until in the end they all form part of a unified whole.” RaMCHaL, „Knowing G-d’s Plan“ (“Daas Tevunos”)

Messianic Process (“MP”) – Manifestation of Current (political) Events.
Der Messianische Prozess – Die Manifestation aktueller (politischer) Ereignisse.

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21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (I)

“Midah keneged Midah” (“Measure for Measure”) or: President Trump, Esau and Christianity. A spiritual view.

➔ See also related article Understanding the Messianic Process
➔ See also Part II 21st Century & The Coming of Messiah (II)
➔ Go to Kabbalah Glossary to view terms and definitions often used by R.Kessin.

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Recommended Reading | Empfohlene Literatur

Finding back to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.
Zurückkehren zu den Jüdischen Wurzeln des Christlichen Glaubens.

The awakening has begun! Books recommended to correct contemporary Christianity’s false teachings. They also assist in learning Torah (God’s teachings) as it is really meant to be understood, thus correcting the errors of counterfeit Messianism’s embrace of the “God in the flesh” idolatry.
Das Aufwachen hat begonnen! Empfohlene Literatur zur Korrektur christlicher Irrlehren, die die Kirche predigt (z.B. Trinität, Jungfrauengeburt Jesu, usw.).

Recommended Websites

English Reading (Für Deutsche Literatur nach unten scrollen)

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