Page created: August 2024
Updated: Dec. 30, 2024
“This is what the Lord Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’” (Zech.8:23)
See also Efraim’s website “Mayim Achronim” and his YouTube channel “Efraim Palvanov“.
Page Content
All material (c) copyright Efraim Palvanov.
- Understanding Edom, Part 3: Jesus & Constantine
- The Tribe of Efraim
- Damascus in the End of Days
- Understanding Edom, Part 2: Trump & Herod
- Understanding Edom, Part 1: Esau & Amalek
- The 30 Noahide Laws, Part 3: Redemption
- The 30 Noahide Laws. Part 2: Revolution
- The 30 Noahide Laws, Part 1
- King Solomon’s Kabbalah
- Reincarnation in Judaism, Part 3
- Reincarnation in Judaism, Part 2
- Reincarnation in Judaism, Part 1
- Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef, Part 3
- Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef, Part 2
- Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef, Part 1
- Chinese Zodiac in Judaism
- The Dragon, the Snake, & the Messiah
- A Kabbalistic History of the World
- Will Mashiach Come This Year
- The Watchers & the Book of Jubilees
- Judaism vs. Christianity
Published: Dec. 25, 2024
Note TM:
Yeshua was an observant Jew, a Torah scholar, not a Christian! Yeshua did not found Christianity! Yeshua is my personal Messiah (see “What I believe“) and the Messiah of all Christians who truly follow him. He might even be the Messiah of all mankind, including the Jews. We will see one day…
Understanding Edom, Part 3: Jesus & Constantine (1:05:13):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube:
How did Christianity become its own religion distinct from Judaism? Why did “Edom” come to be associated with the Christian world in rabbinic texts? Who was the real, historical Jesus, and what was his spiritual connection to Esau? Find out in this class as we take a deep dive into the evolution of the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church, and explore what the prophet Malachi said about “replacement theology” and God’s eternal covenant with Israel.
For more on the Joshua-Jesus blueprint, see ‘Yehoshua and the Origins of Christianity’: click here ↗
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Text passages
Gen.36:43 / Talmud, Bava Batra 3b-4a / Luke 4:16 / Deut.32:39 / Gen.27:39 / Talmud, Megillah 15a / Mal.1:1-3 / Mal.3:1 / Mal.3:23-24 / John 1:19-27 / Mal.3:2-4 / Micah 4:3 / Isa 56:7 / Mal.3:6 / Lev.26:44-45 / Mal.3:17 / Mal.3:22 / Matthew 5:17-20 / Mishnah, Gittin 9:10 / Matthew 19:3-9 / Acts 15 / Ezra 2:1-2 / Matthew 8:5-13 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a / Matthew 10:23-26 / gen.27:39
Top of page
Published: Dec. 19, 2024
The Tribe of Efraim (1:27:40):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
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Who was the Biblical Ephraim and why did he merit to become the most powerful tribe in ancient Israel? Find out in this class as we take a journey through Ephraim’s past, present, and future. Along the way, we uncover the fascinating stories of the great Ephraimite Judges and Kings of the Holy Land (including Joshua, Deborah, and Samuel) and explore who might be the descendants of the Ephraimites today.
Plus: Why does the Tanakh connect Ephraim to Amalek? Is the Messiah supposed to be a Judean or an Ephraimite (or both)? And has the prophecy of Ezekiel 37 been fulfilled in our days?
See also ‘The Truth About the Lost Tribes of Israel’: click here ↗
For more on the spiritual significance of iron, see ‘Israel and the Iron Age’: click here ↗
See also ‘When Jews and Greeks Were Brothers’: click here ↗
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Text passages
Gen. 29:24-29 / Deut. 4:20 / Deut. 8:9 / Gen. 41:45 / Gen. 41:51-52 / Da’at Zekenim on Genesis 41:52 / Gen. 48:14-19 / Midrash, Vayikra Rabbah 2:3 / Deut. 31:7 / 1 Kings 11:26-29 / 1 Kings 11:30-32 / Midrash Tanchuma, Vayechi, 7 / Gen. 47:9 / Zohar 3, 257b, Ra’aya Mehemna / Gen. 48:29 / Gen. 22:19, 25:11 / Gen. 42:23 / Gen. 4:17 / Midrash, Yalkut Shimoni 1, 134 / Deut. 18:10-12 / Talmud, Zevachim 118b / 1 Kings 11:40, 14:25-26 / Talmud, Yoma 53b / 1 Sam. 1:1-3 / Judges 4:4-5 / Judges 12:13-15 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 37a / Judges 5:13-14 / Kol HaTor 2:1 / Midrash, Yalkut Shimoni 2, 499 / 2 Kings 17:6 / Eze. 37:16-19 / Eze 37:1-6 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 92b / Midrash, Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer 48:4 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 110b / 2 Kings 17:23-28 / Judges 12_4-6 / Judges 12:4-6 / 1 Maccabees 12:6-23 / Life of Flavius Josephus 2:10-12 / Eze. 37:19 / Ova. 1:20 / Jer. 31:6 / 2 Chron. 5:26 / Midrash, Yalkut Shimoni 2, 499
Published: Dec. 11, 2024
Damascus in the End of Days (1:27:40):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube:
What is the significance of recent seismic events in Syria and Damascus? What might we expect for the region in light of ancient prophecies? Find out in this class as we explore Damascus in Scriptural and mystical texts. Also: What is the etymology of the name “Jerusalem”? Who was the mysterious Melchizedek? And what is Zedekiah’s Cave?
For the entire playlist on the “Star of Jacob” prophecy, see here: • Star of Jacob Prophecy
For the essay on ‘End of Days Secrets from Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai’, see here: click here ↗
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Text passages
Num. 24:17-20 / Zohar III, 212b / Talmud, Berakhot 7a / Gen. 14:1-2 / Gen 14:14-15 / Gen. 15:2 / Gen. 14:8 / Gen. 11:11 / Gen. 8:20 / Ps. 110:3-4 / Midrash, Bereshit Rabbah 56:10 / Gen. 10:22 / Gen. 10:24 / 2 Kings 16:7-9 / 2 Kings 16:7-9 / 2 Kings 16:10-11 / Zohar II, 234a / Isa. 56:6-7 / Sifre Devarim 1:19 / 2 Sam. 8:36 / Sifre Devarim 1:19 / Zech. 9:1-3 / Zech. 9:5-6 / Zech. 9:9 / Zech. 9:12-14 / Zech. 9:16 / Micah 5:1,3 / Micah 5:4-5 / Micah 5:6-7 / Isa. 17:1 / Zohar III, 152a / Jer. 49:23-27 / 1 Kings 20:20 / Zohar II, 58b / Gen. 25:13-15 / Amos 1:3-4 / Amos 1:6-7 / Amos 1:9-10 / Nistarot d’Rabbi Shimn bar Yochai / Job 33:29-30 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a / Ps. 133:1 / Ps. 133:3 / Isa. 26:19 / Zohar, Idra Zuta / Gen. 1:2 / Aizal, Sha’ar haGilgulim, Ch. 22 / Arizal, Sha’ar haMitzvot, Tzav / Arizal, Sha’ar haPesukim, Bereshit / Midrash, Bereshit Rabbah 2:4 / Midrash, Yalkut Shimoni II, 499
7 Years Before Mashiach: (Note TM: It’s all speculation)
- Year 1: 5778-2018 – strange weather phenomena
- Year 2: 5779-2019 – the “arrows” of a global catastrophe are launched
- Year 3: 5780-2020 – the global catastrophe
- Year 4: 5781-2021 – a partial recovery begins
- Year 5: 5782-2022 – a complete recovery
- Year 6: 5783-2023 – “sounds” of war
- Year 7: 5784-2024 – war
- End of Year 7: Star of Jacob
- (2025? Mashiach ben David?)
Published: Nov. 29, 2024
Understanding Edom, Part 2: Trump & Herod (1:20:01):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: What might we expect from Donald Trump in his second presidency and does he have anything to do with Esau and Edom in Biblical prophecies? How did Edom become associated with the Roman Empire to begin with? What does King Herod have to do with it, and why is he reviled by Jews and Christians alike? And why does Isaiah call King Cyrus of Persia “the messiah”?
Also: Understanding antisemitic conspiracy theories, and is the Rothschild family related to Edom? Plus, who is the mysterious Biblical figure Obed-Edom the Gittite? And what is the secret of the Western Wall?
For more information, see ‘How Esau Became Rome’, click here ↗
For the series of short essays on the Rothschilds, see, click here ↗
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Text passages
Gen. 25:34 / Mal. 1:1-3 / Lev. 11:2-3 / Midrash, Vayikra Rabbah 13:5 / Deut. 23:8 / Num. 6:26 / 2 Kings 14:7 / 2 Chron. 25:11-12 / Midrash, Eikhah Rabbati, Petichta 14 / Zohar III, 212b / Isa. 45:1 / Kol haTor 1:11 / Talmud, Megillah 12a / I Chron. 13:13-14 / Midrash, Bamidbar Rabbah 4:21 / I Chron. 26:8 / Gen. 36:43 / Rashi on Gen. 36:43 / Em laMikra on Gen. 36:43 / Midrash, Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer 38:7 / Talmud, Bava Batra 3b-4a / Talmud, Sukkah 20a / Mishnah, Avot 1:12, 14 / Josephus, Wars of the Jews, 1:33:2-3 / Talmud, Yoma 39b / Megillat Ta’anit / Midrash, Eikhah Rabbah 1:31 / Isa. 38:2-3 / Isa. 56:6-7
Published: Nov. 20, 2024
Understanding Edom, Part 1: Esau & Amalek (1:20:01):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Who exactly was the Biblical Esau, and how did he become “Edom”? What are the true origins of Amalek, the “eternal enemy” of Israel? Why is Edom associated with Rome and the Western world? And what is the role of Edom in the End of Days and the Messianic Age? Find out in this thrilling class as we begin a new series on the complex and controversial world of Esau and Edom.
Also discussed: Baphomet and pagan symbolism in Hollywood and the music industry, a possible hidden Scriptural reference to Elon Musk, and Biblical blueprints for today’s conflict in the Middle East.
For more information, see ‘How Esau Became Rome’, click here ↗
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Three Cocus Questions:
1. Who was Edom? Who is Edom today?
2. What is the role of Edom in End of Days prophecies?
3. How did Edom become associated with “Rome”?
Text passages (in reverse order – sorry!):
Talmud, Sotah 13a / Talmud, Sanhedrin 99b / Ex. 17:16 / Rashi on Genesis 29:11 / Gen. 29:11 / Gen. 36:12 / Arizal, Sha’ar haPesukim on Bereshit / Gen. 36:1-3 / Gen. 35:29 / Rashi on Gen. 33:14 / Gen. 33:16-17 / Gen. 33:11 / II Chron. 11:14-15 / Talmud, Yoma 67b / Lev. 16:10 / Lev. 17:7 / Gen. 33:14 / Rashi on Gen. 33:4 / Gen. 33:1 / Gen. 16:11-12 / Vilna Gaon, Sifra diTzinuta / Gen. 27:8-9 / Gen. 27:41 / Gen. 27:39 / Gen. 27:38-39 / Gen. 27:1 / Isa. 11:9 / Exo. 3:13-14 / Gen. 26:34 / Mal. 1:1-3 / Rashi on Gen. 4:19 / Midrash Tanchuma, Bereshit 11:2 / Gen. 4:22 / Gen. 4:19 / Gen. 26:26-30 / Gen. 26:19-20 / Gen. 26:12-15 / Gen. 26:34 / Gen. 25:34 / Gen. 25:29-30 / Gen. 25:25-26 / Gen. 25:21-23 / Gen. 25:29-30 / Gen. 25:27-28 / Gen. 25:25-26 / Gen. 25:21-23
Published: Sept. 12, 2024
The 30 Noahide Laws, Part III: Redemption (1:19:15):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: In the concluding installment of the series, we address some final big questions like: Can Noahides pray from a siddur? Put on tefillin? Recite berakhot? Are Noahides obligated in honouring parents? Giving charity? And how can the Noahide Laws help to usher in the Final Redemption?
Plus: the spiritual origins of Noahides according to the Arizal, transgenics and GMOs, and the greatest sign that we are already in the End of Days.
For the complete chart of 30 Noahide Laws with sources, see here:
The 30 Noahide Laws for the Era of Mashiach: Click here for a .pdf Acrobat document ↗
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Text passages:
Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a / Talmud Yerushalmi, Avodah Zarah9a / Talmud, Sanhedrin 59a / Isa. 56:8 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 98a / Jer. 33:10-11 / Talmud, Shabbat 55a / Rambam, Misnheh Torah, Laws of Idolatry 11:9 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 65a / Gen. 2:24 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 58a / Talmud, Chullin 92a-b / Zohar I, 72b / Gen. 9:1 / Gen. 1:28 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a / Talmud, Yevamot 62a / Gen. 2:24 / I Kings 1:32-33 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 72a / Talmud, Sanhedrin 57b / Prov. 20:25 / Talmud, Sanhedrin 58b / Talmud, Sanhedrin 57b / Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Theft and Loss 5:11 / Mal. 3:4 / Modeh Ani / Talmud, Sanhedrin 59a / Yalkut Shimni II, 42 (see also Tana d’Vei Eliyahu Tabba 9:1) / Talmud, Bava Batra 15b / Exo. 16:29 / Talmud Yerushalmi, Pe’ah 1:1 / Rambam, Laws of Kings 10:7-8 / Talmud, Pesachim 22b / Mishnah, Bava Metzia 2:11 / Talmud, Kiddushin 31a / Talmud, Kiddushin 31a / Mishnah, Avot 4:1 / Exo. 20:14 / Deut. 33:2 / Exo. 20:3-5 / Exo. 20:13 / Isa. 1:26-27 / Arizal, Sha’ar haPesukim on Bereshit / Gen. 2:5 / Isa. 11:10 / Isa 11:11-12 / Isa 11:14 / Isa 12:1-3
Published: Aug. 25, 2024
The 30 Noahide Laws, Part II – Revolution (57:23):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: In the second installment of the series, we address the big questions: Can Noahides keep Shabbat? Can Noahides learn Talmud and Zohar? Have a mezuzah on their door? And why do we say there are “seven” Noahide Laws if there are actually thirty? Plus: What is a Ger Toshav and is it equivalent to a Noahide? What is the right way to learn and master Torah? And understanding Rabbi Meir, the “potential Mashiach” of his generation.
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Text passages:
Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a ↗ / Kuzari 3:72 / (Christians’ “NT”), Book of Acts 15 ↗ / Talmud, Yevamot 47a ↗ / Talmud, Chullin 92a-92b ↗ / Tanakh, Zechariah 11:12 ↗ / Talmud Yerushalmi, Avodah Zarah 9a / Talmud, Sanhedrin 24a ↗ / Talmud, Kiddushin 30a ↗ / Tanakh, Joshua 1:8 ↗ / Midrash, Beresheet Rabbah 98:9 / Torah, Deuteronomy 13:1 ↗ / Tanakh, Zechariah 8:23 ↗ / Tanakh, Micah 4:1-2 ↗ / Tanakh, Psalms 19:8-10 ↗ / Tanakh, Psalms 119:126 ↗ / Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilkot Matnot Ani’im 10:18 / Torah, Deuteronomy 4:6 ↗ / Tanakh, Isaiah 49:6 ↗ / Tanakh, Isaiah 46:1-3 ↗ / Torah, Genesis 37:36 ↗ / Tanakh, Isaiah 56:1-3 ↗ / Talmud, Click Shemot Rabbah 19:4 ↗ / Tanakh, Isaiah 56:4-7 ↗ / Tanakh, Isaiah 56:8 ↗ / Talmud, Sanhedrin 59a ↗ / Talmud, Gittin 52a ↗ / Talmud, Eruvin 13b ↗ / Midrash, Beresheet Rabbah 20:12 / Midrash, Yalkut Shimoni II, 499 (on Isaiah 60) / Torah, Exodus 20:9-10 ↗
incomplete, more passages may follow
Published: Aug. 14, 2024
The 30 Noahide Laws, Part I (57:23):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: What are the “Noahide Laws” and where do they come from? Are there just seven, or are they actually more numerous? And what do they have to do with the End of Days and ushering in the Messianic Age?
Find out in this class where we begin our journey into the ancient Noahide Laws. Along the way, we explore the 620 Pillars of Light at the start of Creation, the ten types of witchcraft, and answer big questions like: are Noahides obligated to get married? Pray? Give charity? Learn Torah?
See also ‘Gentiles Becoming Jews’ here:
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: Aug.6, 2024
King Solomon’s Kabbalah (1:14:52):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: In this class, we explore the esoteric knowledge of King Solomon encoded in his three books: Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and Song of Songs. Along the way, we answer big questions like: What is the Seal of Solomon? Why did King Solomon take on hundreds of wives and what did he conclude about marriage? What scientific knowledge did Solomon uncover? What are the 50 Gates of Understanding? Plus: the great secret behind El Shaddai, the mystical reason for the exile of the Jewish people, and incredible revelations from the ancient mystical text Sefer haTemunah.
For more on the Seal of Solomon and the Star of David, see here:
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: June 24, 2024
Reincarnation in Judaism, Part 3 (57:23):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: In this concluding installment of the series, we explore the intriguing mechanisms of reincarnation and look at specific examples from Cain and Abel, Moses and Jethro, Balaam, Terach, Job, Deborah, Tamar, and others. Also, can a male soul reincarnate in a female body, or vice versa? And how many total souls are meant to exist across all time? Plus: What is a dybbuk and does Judaism have a notion of “exorcism”? Who did Cain and Abel marry? And did God make other humans besides Adam and Eve?
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: May 31, 2024
Reincarnation in Judaism, Part 2 (59:35):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: As we continue exploring the Jewish conception of the afterlife, we uncover where exactly is “Gehinnom” and what is “Abadon”? We address the great theodicy question: why do good and innocent people suffer? Can a person experience “Hell on Earth”? And what does reincarnation have to do with it? Plus: which iteration of a person will resurrect at the End of Days? And why is it that people do not remember their past lives?
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: May 24, 2024
Reincarnation in Judaism (57:23):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Where do we find reincarnation in the Bible? How many times might a person reincarnate? And how does reincarnation fit into the greater picture of the afterlife, the world of resurrection, and what happens to a soul after death? Also: does Judaism subscribe to the notion of an eternal hell?
Find out in this class as we dive into Biblical reincarnation and answer the big questions about the transmigration of souls and the afterlife.
For a written summary and more information, see here:
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: May 15, 2024
Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef, Part 3 (1:23:31):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: In the final installment of the series, we put all the ancient sources together to present one clear and coherent view of Mashiach ben Yosef, solving the puzzle of one or two messiahs, and laying down the true sequence of events to expect at the End of Days. Along the way, we explore Ezekiel’s Vision of the Dry Bones, the meaning of resurrection in Judaism, and the fascinating symbolism of the Phoenix in mythical and mystical sources.
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: May 6, 2024
Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef, Part 2 (1:10:05):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: What does the Talmud really mean when it mentions a dying messiah? Why did Maimonides completely ignore this Talmud when codifying Jewish law? And did the death of Jesus have anything to do with the subsequent destruction of the Jerusalem Temple?
Find out in this class as we continue to explore the ancient sources about Mashiach ben Yosef. Plus: who are the 15 ancient souls that return to help Mashiach? What did King Solomon say about the Torah of Mashiach? And who is the mysterious Rabbi Dosa?
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: April 21, 2024
Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef (1:23:31):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Who is Mashiach ben Yosef? What is the true origin of the Mashiach ben Yosef idea, and where can it be found in the Torah? What are the four prophesied stages in the era of Mashiach ben Yosef at the End of Days? And what does it have to do with recent events in the Holy Land?
Find out in this class where we embark on an in-depth exploration of Mashiach ben Yosef from the most ancient Biblical texts through the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, Arizal, and the mysterious Kol haTor.
Also: Why are Christians called “Notzrim” in Hebrew? And what role might Christians play in the forthcoming Redemption? When is the “Ingathering of the Exiles” stage complete, and what exactly are the “birth pangs of the Messiah”?
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: March 18, 2024
Chinese Zodiac in Judaism (1:19:15):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Why are the Chinese calendar and Jewish calendar nearly identical? What are the mysterious spiritual origins of Chinese and East Asian peoples according to the Torah? And what role might China and the Chinese Zodiac play in the End of Days?
Find out in this class where we unravel what really happened with the Tower of Babel, explore the Kuzari and Khazarian conspiracy theories, and learn about the symbolic significance of Chinese Zodiac animals in Judaism.
For Part 1 of this series on the Dragon and the Snake, see here: • The Dragon, the Snake & the Messiah
For more on the Chinese Zodiac in Judaism, see here:
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: March 18, 2024
The Dragon, the Snake & the Messiah (1:13:09):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Kundalini, Kukulkan, Leviathan, and Nachash: Why do cultures and religions from all over the world use similar serpentine imagery? What is so special about the snake symbol and how does it tie into spiritual elevation and enlightenment? And what does it have to do with Mashiach and the End of Days?
Find out in this class where we explore the origins of the mystical snake from the first verses of Genesis, and see how it manifests in the cosmos, the constellations, and the current war in Gaza.
For more on the Ophiuchus constellation, see ‘Mashiach and the Mysterious 13th Zodiac Sign’:
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: Feb. 6, 2024
A Kabbalistic History of the World (1:13:44):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Does the first chapter of Genesis secretly allude to the major events in the history of mankind? How do the Six Days of Creation parallel the past six thousand years of human civilization?
Find out in this class where we review the key developments of history through the lens of Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah, and take a peek into what’s to come in the long-awaited seventh millennium. Also: does AI have anything to do with the forthcoming Messianic Age?
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: Dec. 22, 2023
Will Mashiach Come This Year (56:09):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Biblical texts speak of a new star appearing in the night sky to herald the coming of the Messiah. Scientists predict that such a “star” may indeed appear later this year – could it be the long-awaited “Star of Jacob”? And how does this tie in with other ancient prophecies about the End of Days, and major events happening around the globe today?
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: Sep. 24, 2023
The Watchers & the Book of Jubilees (1:08:00):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: A deep dive into the eye-opening ancient Book of Jubilees. Along the way, we unravel the story of Enoch and the mysterious “Watchers” and fallen angels in the pre-Flood generations, the difference between Nephilim and Anakim, how Jubilees envisions the End of Days, and what really happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
Published: July 4, 2022
Judaism vs. Christianity (1:16:11):
Watch on YouTube: Click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: How did Christianity emerge, and why did it split from Judaism to become a religion of its own? In this class we explore the true origins of Christianity, and explain the Jewish position on Jesus. Also discussed is the purpose of Christianity in world history, and some rabbinic perspectives on the religion.
Essential video screenshots to reinforce the lesson (Google Album): Click here ↗
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