Page created: Sept. 2020
Updated: Nov. 23, 2024
Parsha Hebrew-English 5785 (2024/2025)
➔ See also (The whole Tanach) Online Bible Hebrew / English with Audio
Learning Hebrew? Want to read the Torah in Hebrew and English? Want to listen to it in Hebrew? This is YOUR page! Plus: Connecting the dots between Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, New Testament, Kabbalah … and Yeshua (Jesus) the Nazarene.
- Bereshit (Genesis): Bereshit | Noach | Lech Lecha | Vayeira | Chayei Sarah | Toldot | Vayetze | Vayishlach | Vayeshev | Miketz | Vaygash | Vayechi
- Shemot (Exodus): Shemot | Va’eira | Bo | Beshalach | Yitro | Mishpatim | Terumah | Tetzave | Ki Tisa | Vayakhel | Pekudei
- Vayikra (Leviticus): Vayikra | Tzav | Shemini | Tazria | Metzora | Acharei Mot | Kedoshim | Emor | Behar | Bechukotai
- Bamidbar (Numeri): Bemidbar | Nasso | Beha’alotecha | Shlach Lecha | Korach | Chukat | Balak | Pinchas | Matot | Massei
- Devarim (Deuteronomy): Devarim | Va’etchnan | Eikev | Re’eh | Shoftim | Ki Titzei | Ki Tavo | Nitzavim | Vayelech | Ha’azinu | Vezot Haberacha
Sources / Explanations:
- Parsha (P:) and Haftara (H:) Source: (Recommended Sefaria settings: Click here.)
- Chabad [“CHA“]
- 13Petals [“13P“]
- Benei Avraham (Yeshua in the Torah) [“BAv“]
- Ladder Of Jacob [“LOJ“]
- Global Truth Intl. [“GTI“]
- Nehemia’s Wall [“NWL“]
Audio Parsha in Hebrew (Ivrit): (קריאה בתורה
קטעי קריאה לחמישה חומשי תורה הכוללים את כל ימות השבוע, שבתות והפטרות של בראשית, שמות, ויקרא במדבר ודברים.)
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Bereshit (Genesis)
- Sat.,Oct. 26, 2024:
Bereshit ( בראשית ) – CHA: “In the beginning”
Content: The creation of man, The institution of the Shabbat, The false step, The punishment, The proclamation of God
P: Gen.1:1-6:8 | H: Isa.42:5-43:10
13P: (2015) The Two Souls and Messiah
BAv: (2021) The Spirit of Messiah in Creation
LOJ: (2016) Genesis
GTI: (2012) The Hebraic Mindset and the fiats of God
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Nov.2, 2024:
Noach ( נח ) – CHA: “Noach”
Content: The Flood, The evil heart of man, The Tower of Bawel
P: Gen.6:9-11:32 | H: Isa.54:1-55:12
13P: (2015) Noah and Messiah
BAv: (2021) The Comforter-Messiah
LOJ: (2016) The Descent of the Dove
GTI: (2012) Noah and Violence
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Nov.9, 2024:
Lech Lecha ( לך לך ) – CHA: “Go forth, yourself!”
Content: The departure of Avram, The journey to Egypt, The stars of heaven / The sand of the sea, Hagar, The covenant of circumcision
P: Gen.12:1–17:27 | H: Isa.40:27-41:16
13P: (2016) The Blessing and the Plants
BAv: (2021) The Baby and the Star
LOJ: (2015) Chevlei Mashiach
GTI: (2012) Abraham, the Father of the faithful
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Nov.16, 2024:
Vayeira ( וירא ) – CHA: “Mashiach in Avraham & Sarah”
Content: The Reception of the Messengers, The Announciation of the Birth, The Intervention for the Righteous of Sedom, The End of Sedom, The Distance of Ishmael, The Sacrifice of Jizchak
P: Gen.18:1-22:24 | H: 2Kings4:1-37
13P: (2016) Isaac and the Akeida
BAv: (2021) Mashiach in Avraham & Sarah
LOJ: (2016) Akeidah
GTI: (2020) Time to Answer the Call
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Nov.23, 2024:
Chayei Sarah ( חיי שרה ) – CHA: “Life of Sarah”
Content: The Death of Sara, The Mission of Eliezer, Rivka, The Negotiations, The Wedding
P: Gen.23:1-25:18 | H: 1Kings1:1-3:1
13P: (2016) Three Periods in Sarah’s life
BAv: (2021) The Resurrection of Sarah
LOJ: (2017) Mashiach ben David
GTI: (2012) Hopes and Fears
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Nov.30, 2024:
Toldot ( תולדות ) – CHA: “Generations”
Content: The twins, The selling of the birthright, The stolen blessing, Esav’s wives
P: Gen.25:19-28:9 | H: Mal.1:1-2:7
13P: (2015) The Two Snakes and Messiah
BAv: (2020) Why Edom = Rome in Jewish Thought
LOJ: (2015) The Voice of Jacob
GTI: (2012) Isaac and Rebekah: A Failure to Communicate?
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Dec.7, 2024:
Vayetze ( ויצא ) – CHA: “And he went out”
Content: The Jacob’s Ladder, The Meeting at the Well, Lavan, Rachel and Lea, The Sheep, The Departure of Yakov, The Meeting of the Angels
P: Gen.28:10-32:3 | H: Hos.12:13-14:10
13P: (2015) Yaakov’s Ladder and Messiah
BAv: (2020) The 2 Messiahs
LOJ: (2014) The Ladder of Jacob
GTI: (2012) Leaving and Returning…
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Dec.14, 2024:
Vayishlach ( וישלח ) – CHA: “And he sent”
Content: Yakov’s Return, The Fight with the Angel, Dinah, Rachel’s Death, The Genealogy of Esav
P: Gen.32:4-36:43 | H: Hos.11:7-12:12
13P: (2015) The Reunion
BAv: (2020) Rachel’s Death Points to Messiah
LOJ: (2014) Mama Rachel
GTI: (2017) Jacob, a Role Model for overcoming a life of struggle
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Dec.21, 2024:
Vayeshev ( וישב ) – CHA: “And he settled”
Content: Young Joseph, Joseph’s Dreams, The Sale to the Ishmaelites, Jaakov’s Grief, Joseph in Egypt, The Dreams of the Servants, Forgetting the Cupbearer
P: Gen.37:1–40:23 | H: Amos 2:6-3:8
13P: (2016) Messiah Son of Yosef
BAv: (2020) The two Messiahs
LOJ: (2014) Mashiach ben Yosef
GTI: (2012) From Joseph, through Judah: Foretelling Messiah
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Dec.28, 2024:
Miketz ( מקץ ) – CHA: “At the end of”
Content: The deliverance of Joseph, “Joseph the provider”, Joseph finds his brothers again, Binjamin, The meal, The silver cup
P: Gen.41:1-44:17 | H: 1Kings3:15-4:1
BAv: (2020) Mashiach Ben Yosef
LOJ: (2014) Infinite Light
GTI: (2020) Do Not Despair – Waiting On The Lord
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Jan.4, 2025:
Vaygash ( ויגש ) – CHA: “And he drew near”
Content: Joseph finds his brothers again, Yakov moves to Egypt, The Settlement of the Brothers in Goshen, Pharaoh and Yakov, The “Nationalization” of Egyptian Property
P: Gen.44:18-47:27 | H: Eze.37:15-28
13P: (2015) Tzafnat Paneakh
BAv: (2020) Reconciliation Between Yeshua & the Jewish People
LOJ: (2017) The Guarantor The Hidden Exile
GTI: (2012) The Rarity of Repentance
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Jan.11, 2025:
Vayechi ( ויחי ) – CHA: “And he lived”
Content: The promise of Joseph, Ephraim and Menash, The blessing of the twelve tribes, Re’uwen, Shimon and Levi, Jehuda, Sevulun and Jissachar, Dan, Gad and Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, Binjamin
P: Gen.47:28-50:26 | H: 1Kings.2:1-12
13P: (2015) Trein Mishikhin: The Twin Messiahs
BAv: (2020) The Scepter and The Donkey Point to Mashiach
LOJ: (2015) The Stone with Seven Eyes The Stone with Seven Eyes
GTI: (2021) You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good
GTI: (2020) We are, at best, co-authors of our lives
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
Top of Page
Shemot (Exodus)
- Sat.,Jan.18, 2025:
Shemot ( שמות ) – CHA: “Names”
Content: The Beginnings of Slavery, The Oppression, The Midwives, The Birth of Moses, The Egyptian Princess, The Killing of the Egyptian, The Burning Bush, The Name of God, The Circumcision of Moses’ Son
P: Exo.1:1-6:1 | H: Isa.27:6-28:13, 29:22-23
13P: (2015) Names and Geulah
BAv: (2021) Messiah in the Death of Yosef
LOJ: (2015) Six Stone Jars
GTI: (2021) I Will Be What I Will Be – Yehovah, the God of the Future!
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Jan.25, 2025:
Va’eira ( וארא ) – CHA: “And I Appeared”
Content: Aharon and Moses before Pharaoh, The Four Stages of Deliverance, The Genealogy of Moses, The Magicians of Pharaoh, “I Will Harden the Heart of Pharaoh”, The Blood, The Locusts, The Vermin, The Wild Animals, The Plague, The Boils, The Hail
P: Exo.6:2-9:35 | H: Eze.28:25-29:21
13P: (2015) Hokhmah and G-d’s Names
BAv: (2021) The Four Cups of Passover
LOJ: (2015) Exodus
GTI: (2013) Revealing God: Kindness in the midst of awesome power
GTI: (2013) Les Miserables: Reconciling God’s attribute of Justice with Mercy
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Feb.1, 2025:
Bo ( בא ) – CHA: “Come!”
Content: The Locusts and the Darkness, The Birth of the Month, The Pesach Lamb, The Mazza, The Exodus, The Firstborn
P: Exo.10:1-13:16 | H: Jer.46:13-28
13P: (2015) Inside Pharaoh
BAv: (2021) The Blood of the Lamb
LOJ: (2015) Passover: Do This In Remembrance of Me
GTI: (2021) Moshe on Education
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Feb.8, 2025:
Beshalach ( בשלח ) – CHA: “When he sent out”
Content: The Persecution, The People in front of the Sea, The March through the Sea, The Song of Praise by the Sea, Miriam’s Song of Praise, The Bitter Springs, The Man and the Shabbat, Amalek
P: Exo.13:17-17:16 | H: Jud.4:4-5:31
13P: (2015) Unity for Redemption
BAv: (2021) Sacrifice & Atonement
LOJ: (2016) The Yud of Yehoshua
GTI: (2021) All The World Will Sing A New Song
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Feb.15, 2025:
Yitro ( יתרו ) – CHA: “Yitro”
Content: Yitro and the Mosches family, Moses’ jurisprudence, The assistant judges, Arriving at the mountain, The Ten Commandments
P: Exo.18:1-20:23 | H: Isa.6:1-7:6, 9:5-6
13P: (2015) Repentance and Shabbat
BAv: (2021) Moshe, the Mediator Between Man & God
LOJ: (2015) The Torah of Messiah
GTI: (2021) Revisiting the First Tablet from the Moral Code of the Universe
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Feb.22, 2025:
Mishpatim ( משפטים ) – CHA: “Laws”
Content: The Jewish slave, The murderer, Strikes and injuries, An eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth, Civil liability, Theft by burglary, The girl, The pledge, The bribery, The strangers, Shmittah, The youth of the nation
P: Exo.21:1-24:18 | H: Jer.34:8-22, 33:25-26
BAv: (2021) The 7th Millenium
LOJ: (2016) Metatron: The Angel of Hashem
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Mar.1, 2025:
Terumah ( תרומה ) – CHA: “Offering”
Content: The Ark of the Covenant, The Table, The Menorah, The Building, The Altar
P: Exo.25:1-27:19 | H: Isa.66:1-24
13P: (2015) The Inner Sanctuary
BAv: (2021) The Third Temple
LOJ: (2016) The Mystery of the Mishkan
GTI: (2021) The Great Craftsman and Father
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Mar.8, 2025:
Tetzaveh ( תצוה ) – CHA: “You shall command”
Content: General meaning of the priest garments, The breast shield, The upper garment, The golden headband
P: Exo.27:20-30:10 | H: Eze.43:10-27
13P: (2015) Shekhina, Betzalel and Messiah
BAv: (2021) Yeshua in the Tabernacle
LOJ: (2016) The New Jerusalem
GTI: (2021) Holiness Breeds Loyalty, And Strengthens Morality
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Mar.15, 2025:
Ki Tisa ( כי תשא ) – CHA: “When you elevate”
Content: The Half Shekel, The Oil of Consecration, Remembering the Shabbat, The Golden Calf (its origin, the motifs, Aharon, The Punishment), The Second Tablets
P: Exo.30:11-34:35 | H: 1Kings18:1-39
13P: (2015) The Erev Rav
BAv: (2021) The Oil & Messiah
LOJ: (2016) The Image of the Emperor
GTI: (2021) Righteous Anger – Moshe’s Tablets and Yeshua’s Whip
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Mar.22, 2025:
Vayakhel ( ויקהל ) – CHA: “And he assembled”
Content: The work prohibited on Shabbat, The donations, The construction
P: Exo.35:1-38:20 | H: 1Kings7:40-50
13P: (2015) One Body, One Sanctuary
BAv: (2021) The Tabernacle & the Messianic Age
LOJ: (2017) The Lord of the Sabbath
GTI: (2021) The Sabbath is Spirit in the Form of Time
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Mar.29, 2025:
Pekudei ( פקודי ) – CHA: “Accountings”
Content: The work prohibited on Shabbat, The donations, The construction
P: Exo.38:21-40:38 | H: 1Kings7:51-8:21
13P: (2017) Three Names for the Tabernacle
BAv: (2021) Messiah & the Messianic Era
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
Top of Page
Vayikra (Leviticus)
- Sat.,Apr.5, 2025:
Vayikra ( ויקרא ) – CHA: “And he called”
Content: The meaning of sacrifice, The whole sacrifice, The atonement
P: Lev.1:1-5:26 | H: Isa.43:21-44:23
13P: (2015) The Living Sacrifice
BAv: (2021) Messiah & the Sacrifices
LOJ: (2016) The Little Aleph
GTI: (2021) And He Called – Seeking Your Higher-Calling
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Apr.12, 2025:
Tzav ( צו ) – CHA: “Command !”
Content: The eternal fire, The offering (Minchah), The peace offering
P: Lev.6:1-8:36 | H: Jer.7:21-28 ; Jer.9:22-23
13P: (2015) The Continuous Fire
BAv: (2021) The Messiah of Peace
LOJ: (2018) The Mystery of the Mem
GTI: (2012) Grace, Justice and Righteousness – the Delight of Yehovah
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Apr.26, 2025:
Shemini ( שמיני ) – CHA: “Eighth”
Content: The Death of the Aharon Sons, Permitted and Prohibited Animals (General)
P: Lev.9:1–11:47 | H: Eze.36:16-38
13P: (2017) Welcome the Shekhina
BAv: (2021) Yeshua the Kosher Pig?
LOJ: (2016) Kashrut and the New Testament
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,May 3, 2025:
Tazria ( תזריע ) – CHA: “She bears seed”
Content: Purity regulations after a birth, The leprosy
P: Lev.12:1-13:59 | H: Eze.45:16-46:18
13P: (2017) Circumsion and Leprosy
BAv: (2021) The Prophetic Hebrew Typo
LOJ: (2016) The Hem of His Garment
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,May 3, 2025:
Metzora ( מצורע ) – CHA: “Infected one”
Content: Purity regulations after a birth, The leprosy
P: Lev.14:1–15:33 | H: 2Kings7:3-20
LOJ: (2016) Chivra: The Leper Mashiach
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:
Audio Ivrit - Sat.,May 10, 2025:
Acharei Mot ( אחרי מות ) – CHA: “After the death”
Content: The two goats at Yom Kippur, The forbidden marriages
P: Lev.16:1–18:30 | H: Eze.22:1-19
13P: (2017) Azazel and the Fallen Angels
BAv: (2021) Yeshua, the Scapegoat
LOJ: (2016) The Secret of the Scarlet Thread The Prophet from Galilee (Yom Kippur)
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,May 10, 2025:
Kedoshim ( קדושים ) – CHA: “Holy ones”
Content: The moral behavior of the Jews, The corner of the field, “Thou shalt not mutilate thyself”, Respect for the stranger, Proper weight
P: Lev.19:1–20:27 | H: Eze.22:1-19
13P: (2017) The Torah is About Love
BAv: (2021) Kedoshim
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,May 17, 2025:
Emor ( אמור ) – CHA: “Say gently”
Content: The Priests, The Celebrations
P: Lev.21:1–24:23 | H: Eze.44:15-31
13P: (2017) Unifying G-d’s Name
BAv: (2021) Mashiach in Shavuot
LOJ: (2016) Sefirat HaOmer: Infinity
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,May 24, 2025:
Behar ( בהר ) – CHA: “On the Mount”
Content: General idea, The Shabbat year, The Jowel year, Trust, The prohibition of interest
P: Lev.25:1-26:2 | H: Jer.32:6-27
13P: (2017) In Faith We Count
BAv: (2021) The Day that Is All Shabbat
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,May 24, 2025:
Bechukotai ( בחוקותי ) – CHA: “In My laws”
Content: Blessings and Curses
P: Lev.26:3-27:34 | H: Jer.16:19-17:14
13P: (2017) The Fourth Torah
BAv: (2021) Original Sin & The Shekinah of the Third Temple
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
Top of Page
Bemidbar (Numbers)
- Sat.,May 31, 2025:
Bemidbar ( במדבר ) – CHA: “In the wilderness”
Content: The census, The deposit, The twelve princes
P: Num.1:1–4:20 | H: Hos.2:1-22
BAv: (2021) The Military Messiah
LOJ: (2015) The Temptation of Messiah
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,June 7, 2025:
Nasso ( נשא ) – CHA: “Elevate!”
Content: The three groups of the Levites, The suspicion, The priestly blessing
P: Num.4:21–7:89 | H: Jud.13:2-5
LOJ: (2015) The Secret of the Sotah Samson’s Riddle
GTI: (2022) Shalom and the Priestly Blessings
BAv: (2021) The Prophetic Gifts of Nahshon
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,June 14, 2025:
Beha’alotecha ( בהעלותך ) – CHA: “In your uplifting”
Content: The Crossing, The Lights, The Service of the Levites, The Second Passover, The Walking Through the Desert, The Trumpets, The Quails, The Episode of the Two Prophetic Men, The Ethiopian Woman
P: Num.8:1–12:16 | H: Zech.2:14-4:7
GTI: (2020) Loneliness: A Path Towards Intimacy With Yehovah
LOJ: (2016) Transfiguration Transfiguration
BAv: (2021) Metatron & the Tabernacle
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,June 21, 2025:
Shlach Lecha ( שלח לך ) – CHA: “Send for yourself!”
Content: The Scouts, The Challah, The Man Who Collected Wood on Shabbat, The Tassels, The Symbol of Tzizit, The Seven White and the Sky Blue Thread
P: Num.13:1–15:41 | H: Jos.2:1-24
13P: (2017) In the Desert and In Redemption
BAv: (2021) Yehoshua and Yeshua
LOJ: (2015) Vision
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,June 28, 2025:
Korach ( קרח ) – CHA: “Korach”
Content: The Revolt, The “Maw of the Earth”, The Staff of Aharon, The Income of the Levites
P: Num.16:1–18:32 | H: 1.Sam.11:14-12:22
BAv: (2021) Yeshua & Sheol (Hell)
LOJ: (2020) The Rod of Aaron
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,July 5, 2025:
Chukat ( חקת ) – CHA: “Law”
Content: The Red Cow, The Color, The Ashes, The Ashes make the pure unclean but the impure pure, The Death of Miriam and Aharon, The Misconduct of Moses, The Three Leaders, The Snakes
P: Num.19:1–22:1 | H: Isa.66:1-24
BAv: (2021) The Red Heifer, the Serpent and Yeshua – How are they related?
LOJ: (2016) The Ritual of the Red Heifer
GTI: (2021) There Are Rivers We Will Not Cross – Parshah Chukat
NWL: (2020) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,July 12, 2025:
Balak ( בלק ) – CHA: “Balak”
Content: Jisrael and Moav, Bilaam, The Prophecies of Bilaam, The Daughters of Moav
P: Num.22:2–25:9 | H: Micah5:6-6:8
BAv: (2021) The Wicked Prophet Foretells Messiah
LOJ: The Secret of the Star
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,July 19, 2025:
Pinchas ( פינחס ) – CHA: “Pinehas”
Content: Pinchas, The distribution of the land, The law concerning the inheritance, The investiture of Jehoshua, The Sukkot offerings
P: Num.25:10–30:1 | H: 1Kings18:46-19:21
BAv: (2021) The Messianic Moon
LOJ: (2015) The Parable of the Fig Tree
GTI: (2021) Sheep Without a Shepherd
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,July 26, 2025:
Matot ( מטות ) – CHA: “Tribes”
Content: The vows, The punitive expedition against Midjan, Transjordan
P: Num.30:2–32:42 | H: Jer.1:1-2:3
13P: (2017) The 42 Journeys
BAv: (2021) The Battles of Messiah
LOJ: (2015) Sermon on the Mount
GTI: (2022) But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles To Go Before I Sleep
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,July 26, 2025:
Massei ( מסעי ) – CHA: “Journeys”
Content: The borders, The cities of refuge, The “blood avenger”
P: Num.33:1–36:13 | H: Jer.2:4-28
LOJ: (2014) Is Yeshua a Descendant of King Solomon? The Curse of Jeconiah
GTI: (2022) But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles To Go Before I Sleep
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
Top of Page
Devarim (Deuteronomy)
- Sat.,Aug.2, 2025:
Devarim ( דברים ) – CHA: “Words”
Content: The Stars of Heaven, The assistants of Moses, Jehoshua and Kalev, The Wanderings
P: Deut.1:1–3:22 | H: Isa.1:1-27
BAv: (2021) Yeshua in the Torah (Messianic Judaism)
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Aug.9, 2025:
Va’etchanan ( ואתחנן ) – CHA: “Pleaded”
Content: “And now, Yisrael …”, You shall add nothing … and take nothing away, “And ye shall grow old in the land”, Vision – Knowledge, The repetition of the Ten Commandments, Hear Yisrael …, The mixed marriages
P: Deut.3:23–7:11 | H: Isa.40:1-26
BAv: (2021) Yeshua in the Torah (Messianic Judaism)
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Aug.16, 2025:
Eikev ( עקב ) – CHA: “As a result”
Content: Fidelity / Observation of the law, Material existence, Land of wheat and barley – (land) of the vine and fig tree, Meal, Remembrance, Fear of God, “That you serve God… with all your heart”.
P: Deut.7:12–11:25 | H: Isa.49:14-51:3
13P: (2017) The Heel and Messiah
BAv: (2021) How to Walk With God
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Aug.23, 2025:
Re’eh ( ראה ) – CHA: “See!”
Content: The regulations concerning the enjoyment of the flesh, The false prophet, “You are the children of God, our God; you shall not make any incision”, “You shall not eat any abomination”, The tithing duties, The cancellation of debts
P: Deut.11:26–16:17 | H: Isa.54:11-55:5
BAv: (2021) False Prophets
GTI: (2020) You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Aug.30, 2025:
Shoftim ( שופטים ) – CHA: “Judges”
Content: Jurisprudence, Judges and Magistrates, The Witnesses, “You will go to the priests and judges of your time”, The Kingdom, The Priest, The Prophet, The War
P: Deut.16:18–21:9 | H: Isa.51:12-52:12
13P: (2014) I See Men Like Trees
BAv: (2021) Yeshua in the Torah
LOJ: (2017) Men Like Trees
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Sep.6, 2025:
Ki Teitzei ( כי תצא ) – CHA: “When you go out”
Content: The Jewish marriage, The birthright, The unruly son, The protection of the woman and the weak, The bird’s nest, The divorce, The levirate (marriage by marriage in law), Remembering Amalek
P: Deut.21:10–25:19 | H: Isa.54:1-10
13P: (2017) The Bird’s Nest
BAv: (2021) Yeshua in the Torah
LOJ: (2017) The Bird’s Nest The Erusin of Yosef and Miriam
GTI: (2020) Love IS Not Enough
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Sep.13, 2025:
Ki Tavo ( כי תבוא ) – CHA: “When you enter in”
Content: The law of the offering of the first fruits, Eval and Gerisim, The warnings
P: Deut.26:1-29:8 | H: Isa.60:1-22
13P: (2017) Materialism and Egoism
BAv: (2021) Yeshua in the Torah
LOJ: (2015) The Secret of Simcha
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Sep.20, 2025:
Nitzavim ( ניצבים ) – CHA: “Standing (Witnessing)”
Content: “Breath Nizzavim”, “The Hidden Things”, Heaven and Earth, Life and Death, Moses and Jehoshua, “The Public Reading of the Torah”, The Farewell
P: Deut.29:9-30:20 | H: Isa.61:10-63:9
BAv: (2021) The Rapture or the Ingathering?
LOJ: (2017) Beyond Time and Space
GTI: (2020) Delight Yourself In The LORD
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Sep.27, 2025:
Vayelech ( וילך ) – CHA: “And he went”
Content: “Breath Nizzavim”, “The Hidden Things”, Heaven and Earth, Life and Death, Moses and Jehoshua, “The Public Reading of the Torah”, The Farewell
P: Deut.31:1-30 | H: Hos.14:2-10 Micah 7:18-20
BAv: (2021) The Torah From Zion
LOJ: (2017) Beyond Time and Space
GTI: (2014) The Torah is God’s Song
GTI: (2012) Super-Heroes: Heartbreak for Moses!
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Oct.4, 2025:
Ha’azinu ( האזינו ) – CHA: “Listen!”
Content: The Witness of the Universe, The Loyalty of God / The Infidelity of Yisrael, The Doctrine of History, Misconduct and Punishment, The Torah Law – Yisrael’s Life
P: Deut.32:1-52 | H: Hosea 14,2-10 ; Micah 7:18-20
GTI: (2013) Listen
BAv: (2021) Moshe’s final words
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
- Sat.,Oct.11, 2025:
Vezot Haberacha ( וזאת הברכה ) – CHA: “And this is the blessing”
Content: Re’uwen, Jehuda, Levi, Binjamin, Joseph, Jissachar and Sevulun, Gad, Dan, Naphtali, Asher
P: Deut.33:1-34:12 | H: Jos.1:1-18
NWL: (2021) Torah Pearls | Prophet Pearls
P. & H.:Audio Ivrit
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