Kenes Artzi and the Messianic Movement in Israel

(German: Kenes Artzi und die Messianische Bewegung in Israel)

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— הכנס הארצי — Page Content (see copyright note below):

What is it, that should unite us Christians and Jews? It is the belief in the same God, the One who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But, no! Christianity has replaced God by Jesus Christ, and mutated the Jewish Monotheistic God (YHWH) into a Triune, Trinitarian God. Something that is clearly against the First and Second Commandment, as well as against Deut.6:4, and also Jesus’ call in Mk.12:29-31. For this reason, Christians and Jews will NEVER come to a common denominator. Many Christians rejoice that there are more and more “Messianic Jews” in Israel. What they do not know is that Messianic Jews are Christians. Why? They are Christians dressed in a Jewish-Messianic camouflage coat. They want to celebrate God’s feasts according to Lev.23, and they read a little Torah. But after all they are Trinitarians. For Judaism, or for a faithful Jew a No Go!
Uriel ben-Mordechai’s English book „If? The End of a Messianic Lie” is a real eye opener!
The book shows how the “Messianic Community Leadership Network” (MCLN), and Kenes Artzi, during a congress in June 2002 in Jerusalem, forced all “Jewish-Messianic” organizations which were present, to sign a paper acknowledging the deity of Jesus. The ones who didn’t sign, became excluded from the network and treated like lepers subsequently. A parallel to the Council of Nicea in 325 AD., where the result was the same!
The documents listed below show a small part of the Kenes Artzi tragedy.
All content is © copyright Uriel ben-Mordechai.

Was ist es, was uns Christen und Juden verbinden sollte? Es ist der Glaube an den gleichen Gott, der Gott, welcher der Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs ist. Aber das Christentum hat Gott durch Jesus Christus ersetzt, bzw. aus dem jüdischen Monotheistischen Gott (YHWH) einen Dreieinigen, Trinitarischen Gott gemacht (neben dem “Heiligen Geist”).
Etwas, das klar gegen das Erste und Zweite Gebot, sowie gegen 4.Mose 6,4 und Jesu‘ Aufruf in Mk.12,29-31, verstösst. Aus exakt diesem Grund werden Christen und Juden NIE auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner kommen. Viele Christen freuen sich (und irren sich), dass es in Israel immer mehr „Messianische Juden“ gibt. Was sie nicht wissen, ist, dass messianische Juden grösstenteils Christen sind. Warum? Es sind Leute, die ein jüdisch-messianisches Tarnmäntelchen tragen, oft mal einen Tallid überstülpen, Leute, die die Jüdischen Feste gem. 3.Mose 23 feiern wollen, dazu ein bisschen Torah lesen und öfters mal irgendwo Schofar blasen.
Aber es sind schlussendlich Trinitarier, für das Judentum bzw. für einen gottesfürchtigen Juden ein No Go!
Uriel ben-Mordechai’s englisches Buch „Falls? Das Ende einer Messianischen Lüge“ (Original „If? The End of a Messianic Lie“) ist ein Augen- und Herzensöffner!
Das Buch zeigt auf, wie das „Messianic Community Leadership Network“ (MCLN) und Kenes Artzi, anlässlich eines Kongresses im Juni 2002 in Jerusalem alle anwesenden „jüdisch-messianischen“ Organisationen nötigte, ein Papier zu unterschreiben, welches die Gottheit Jesu bestätigte. Wer nicht unterschrieb, wurde vom Netzwerk ausgeschlossen und in der Folge wie ein Aussätziger behandelt. Eine Parallele zum Konzil von Nizäa im Jahr 325 n.Chr., wo das Resultat das selbe war!
Die unten eingeblendeten Papiere zeigen einen kleinen Ausschnitt aus der Kenes Artzi Tragödie.
Sämtliche Inhalte sind © copyright Uriel ben-Mordechai.

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The following material is protected under copyright privilege. No authorization is given or implied to copy, forward, duplicate or otherwise publish and/or disseminate any of the above material contained in this blog post, to any other 3rd party without the expressed written permission of the provider, Uriel ben-Mordechai of Jerusalem (

A. The Beit Asaf Expulsion Order (in English)


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B. Letter from No’am Hendren advocating the Expulsion of Congregation Heftzibah from the Messianic Community (in English)


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C. The Kenes Artzi Theological Declaration (in English, Russian, Hebrew and Amharic [Ethiopian])


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D. The Kenes Artzi Program of Speakers (in Hebrew)

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E. Email exchange, in connection with the Kenes Artzi between Tsvi Sadan and No’am Hendren over the MCLN network (in Hebrew)


English translation, provided by David Farer, Sderot:

Firstly, permit me to apologize for writing in Hebrew. I am sure that we all have Hebrew-speaking computers, and that you will have no problem understanding what I have written.

This morning I read a report on the “Convention at Netanya” that took place last Friday, and I can summarize my feeling thus: “What came to me………..(NOT UNDERSTOOD). “Already at the beginning of my reaction I will say this: If I had to sign this declaration of faith as it now is, I would almost certainly sign it. Therefore, the following words relate not to the theological domain, but rather to something far more important.

In light of the conduct of the present committee, I call on everybody who has the honesty, the bravery, and the brotherly love, and I am sure that most of us have these qualities, to call on the present committee to resign immediately. I call Baruch Meoz, Yosef Shulam, David Stern, and others, who guarded with all their power to prevent the committee from becoming the official representative of the Messianic community in Israel and will not make decisions that are obligatory on us, to stand up and say publicly what they have to say, about a subject that has not been publicly discussed, but rather dictated, so that the damage caused in Netanya will not be irreversible.

In addition to the authority that the committee took upon itself with no legal right, its manner of administration deserves to be condemned. By intimidation and closing of mouths (yes, they did not allow even David Stern, a founder of these conventions, to speak), the committee passed a formal decision obligating the entire Messianic community in Israel regarding a subject that had not been previously discussed, but rather dictated from the beginning. Will there be no reaction to that?

Therefore, with all our strength, for the sake of God, we must all strongly call for the resignation of this committee, and for the nullification of its orders of last Friday, so that our little Messianic community in Israel will not collapse in disorder and disunion.

Tzwi Sadan


English translation, provided by David Farer, Sderot:

Tzwi Sadan published his reaction to the All-Israel Convention of the Messianics of Israel in Netanya. He did not participate at the Convention himself, but rather relied on reports that were brought to him, and this might explain the many inaccuracies in his report.

There are extremely serious and heavy accusations here, and all hanging from a very thin and torn thread.

Firstly, the subject under discussion is not a convention in Netanya, but rather the All-Israel Convention of the leadership of the Israel Messianic movement, as I pointed out earlier. In the previous meeting of this body, 4 January, when Zwi was present, we decided to unite the meeting of 7 June and to devote the meeting to the divinity of the messiah. There was no opposition to this decision. And when the organizing committee published this announcement, with it came a detailed discussion of what the purpose and content of the next meeting will be, in the presence of eighty-five leaders of Messianic communities from all over Israel. How sad that Tzwi prefers to delegitimize this necessary convention and the support it received from its leadership all over Israel, instead of supporting it most positively.

The Organizing Committee has the authority to organize these conventions, including choosing the subject, bring everyone together, and also to send invitations to those leaders to be invited from all over the country. In the invitation we explained the policy of the central committee is that participation in the convention is limited to the leadership of each Messianic community, which is invited to send five of its leaders, to be chosen by the elders of each community to attend the convention, and that non-leaders may participate as observers only if their Elders agree. The meaning of “observers” is “observers”: they have no right to speak or to vote. Unfortunately, David Stern is not currently serving as a leader, and he can therefore participate as an observer only. Therefore, David had no right to speak, even though his words were heard at the convention , because one of our speakers read David’s words aloud. Therefore, there was no “closing of mouths”, as Tzwi contends. Those who answered the invitation knew of our rules in advance and followed them (David also obeyed.) Unfortunately, there was at least one who walked in and tried to break the rules and go against the clear aims and purposes of the convention. We were therefore compelled to enforce our rules without allowing exceptions.

The accusation regarding administering the conference is utterly false. Partly because Zwi was not present, and partly because he does not specify how we sinned – (apart from “closing of mouths”). “Intimidation” – also undefined – there surely was none, as everybody present can testify. His call to remove the present committee is equally mistaken. At the end of the convention, after all the “terrible management” by our officers, those present voted to renew the mandate of the present leadership, without being asked to do so, with only one exception: Garry Danlinger, who asked not to continue to a new term. Not only that, but in the voting of confidence (which was written, by the way, by Baruch Maoz and Yosef Sholem.) Seventy-five of the eighty-five present voted for it with no reservation, one did not vote for it for technical reasons, but he too expressed his confidence in what was done later.

The basis of the belief expressed is not the fruit of the committee, but rather an expression of the minimal belief expressed at the convention, which was formulated and expressed by the membership unanimously already for more than ten years. From that time until ours, the convention has acted on the assumption that a Messianic community


English translation, provided by David Farer, Sderot:

worthy of that name acts on the belief in the divinity of the messiah, and that it accepts this belief without reservation. Therefore, the passage of this statement represents nothing new, nor is it something that was just made up (“something that the committee manufactured”). It is also not a “formal decision” that obligates the entire messianic community in Israel. Every community here is independent and can go with this declaration or not, as its leader chooses; even though a community that chooses not to recognize the divinity of Jesus removes itself from the family of the National Convention, more and more leaders from all over the country are phoning us up to join in to this declaration of faith that we all affirmed at our convention.

A final word: the present committee has not taken on itself “the final decision” in a manner not legal. We presented before the Assembly decisions regarding basic Messianic beliefs from about twelve years ago. The Assembly unanimously accepted the decisions of our fathers, with no intimidation or pressure. The committee invented nothing that the Assembly had not previously observed. For example, the convention unanimously decided not to publish the text of the findings without the full agreement of everybody, but only to state that we had agreed unanimously on the full divinity of Jesus.

It seems also that Zwi has a certain distancing from taking a clear position on this necessary subject, a distancing that determines his far-reaching recommendations. In the last edition of “Kivun”, which Zwi edited, included an article or reaction to the list of things subject to discussion regarding the body of the messiah which denied the divinity of Jesus. His willingness to include a discussion of the divinity of the messiah in a list of open subjects about the body of the messiah, instead of making a clear line dividing the community of Messianics from a body that is not Messianic in accordance with the writings, is very worrying.

With hope and worry.

Noam Hendon

From: Zvi Sedan
Sub: kenes

Golgotha here. Pilate lives. They can sing Psalms in synagogues. (I do not understand this.)

To my great sorrow, I must state that Noam’s letter merely confirms what I said, and I must go back and repeat what I said: the committee must resign, and as quickly as possible. And with the same breath I want to add myself to the reservation of Elezar Brandes. My “attempt” (?) with Gary Danlinger was different (as I indicated in my letter to the Committee before the convention), and had the spirit that was in him been in all of you, you would not be hearing from me at all. Therefore, Noam, I do not delegitimize you, but rather you do it to yourselves.

As an opening to my statement, I must inform Noam and everybody that we have in this country an institution in which we all give thanks, pray, and hope to be “a free people in our land, the land of Zion and Jerusalem.”


English translation, provided by David Farer, Sderot:

And why do I say this? So that it will help Noam (and the committee) to get back to their natural size. The church no longer frightens us. The meaning of being a free people is that they can themselves determine the meaning of determining the border between belief and heresy. And if you cannot agree with that, then you can at least agree that the time has come for you to speak quietly. Instead of saying, “As the writings say….”, say “According to my understanding of the writings…..”. The word of the committee, and certainly not of Noam, is not the word of God – and certainly not today. Therefore, with all due respect, it is not for you to decide what is permitted to say and what is forbidden to say. And if you ask, “Who will decide where the border is?” This is a subject that requires its own discussion (unless it is forbidden from the beginning.)

The fact that I was not at the convention neither adds nor subtracts. Inaccuracies, if there be any, do not relate to my physical presence or absence. They mention this only to damage my credibility. My physical presence is not important. And regarding the notion of taking authority that is not legal, I allow the letter of David Stern to speak for itself, and it is worthwhile for the committee to relate to the letter of David Stern with humility, and not to minimize the significance of his words, because they are in the finest “tradition of understatement.”

Regarding the aggressive support of the leaders of the community for this declaration of faith that was not discussed and for which there was no possibility of changing, (see the recommendations of Gershon Neral): the subject cries out to be explicated. And anyway, this is not a subject that relates to the functioning of the committee, although it is definitely a subject to be discussed – (unless they will forbidden it!)

During the assembly of 4 January, something was said that there might be a convention to discuss the divinity of Jesus. It is not exactly true that there was no opposition. During a conversation with Ofir Amitai, I recommended not to have such a convention, because, in my opinion the Messianic community in Israel is not yet ripe for it. That you connect other contacts to me, secret contacts – well, that is not new, either. What must I do now, to convince people that I have no sister. (???) My recommendation in my letter to fire you does not mean that there can be no further theological discussion and debate, in spite of the fact that these debates exist, and if you disagree with me, so what?

And now to things that are truly important: regarding closing of mouths, you witness it yourself. To deny David Stern the right to speak on the formalistic grounds that he is an observer? Did David Stern ever deny your right to speak? Did I? Did anybody else? And I ask, “Why do you think it is your right to deny someone the right to speak?” And in general, where did this category of “observer” come from? As one who has participated in these conventions for many years, and who was on the committee, I remember nothing about a special status for an observer. And if there were such a thing, which I doubt, to tell David Stern that he has no right to speak, if such a statement is not closing his mouth, what is? And why did you ignore the proposal of Gershon Neral? He was not in the category of an “observer”, thank God. Or maybe you fear that he too has “secret contacts”? And why did you send notifications by fax, instead of the normal way of by mcln? And who allows you to reject the community of


English translation, provided by David Farer, Sderot:

“Heftzibah?” From the beginning, the committee was not interested in discussion, but rather in dictating. This is closing of mouths; it is exceeding your authority; and if you do not understand me, I will be happy to explain it again.

As with the silencing, also with the intimidation you testify yourself. To discuss the divinity of Jesus – his name is Heaven (not so sure I understood the last part of this sentence.) The real fear of God! To die from worry. Also here you do not seem to know the difference between real debate and subversion from a foreign belief. Why do you find it wise to slander Rami Danieli? “The same Zwi”, you say. “How dangerous this man is.” And indeed he has sinned a great sin. He allows people to disagree with him. AAAHHH! How heavy is his guilt. He is unwilling to deal with censorship. AAAHH! It is really shocking! And Rami Daniel, how has he sinned? By attracting your attention, bu stating that the trinity is Christian teaching? Everyone with some understanding in his head knows it already, so why the anger? But you, because a heavy theological (sod?) hangs on your neck, assign things to him that he did not say. And also with Noam. This is part of your campaign of intimidation. If it is dangerous to speak of the identity of Jesus, anyone who speaks of it endangers others. Therefore we must call a special congress that will so act that all will know about it. We must immediately call a congress that will return to “the positions of our fathers?), and it does not matter that Hebrew or English do not come easily to those who sign it; it is not enough that “the positions of our fathers” is a rather funny expression anyway. Who exactly are “our fathers”? The church fathers? The rabbis of Mishna and Talmud? or maybe Baruch Maoz and Yosef Shulem? The accusation of heresy was always the favorite accusation among people of little faith, and it was a very effective weapon. The fear of this accusation therefore silences. If you were really opening a discussion and allowing people to participate in it without fear, I promise you that the number of people will equal the number of opinions, but people will be quiet and say what others want to hear. This is an unbearable atmosphere, and it is impossible to justify it.

Therefore, I say again: for the benefit of us all, in view of what happened at the convention, and in view of Noam’s letter, you must all stand up and leave.

With you all for the ingathering of the orphans and the XXX.

Zwi Sedan

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F. The MCLN Suspension of Uriel ben-Mordechai from the network (in English)


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G. The MJAI response to Israel Today’s Article of Nov 2001, written to the Messianic Community in May of 2002 (in Hebrew)


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H. Statement of Dr. David Tel Tzur (Congregation Heftzibah), that was supposed to have been read publically at the Kenes Artzi meeting of June 2002, in Hebrew and in English.


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(Deutsche Übersetzung)
6. Juni 2002
An alle, denen Gottes Wahrheit in Yeshua dem Messias (Jesus Christus) wichtig ist.
Das Christentum, welches sich die “Botschaft der Liebe” auf die Fahne geschrieben hat, hat die schlimmsten und kriminellsten Akte in der Geschichte verübt – Mord, Verbrennen auf dem Scheiterhaufen, Inquisitionen, Pogrome, Vertreibung, Ausschluss, und – am grauenhaftesten – den Holocaust. Dies sind alles Früchte der selben falschen und götzendienerischen Lehre, welche Sie heute an dieser Konferenz kämpferisch verteidigen wollen. Das ist nicht die Lehre von Yeshua dem Messias. Die grossen christlichen Theologen, an deren Theologie Sie sich halten, welche selber von einem unfassbaren Hass auf Gottes Volk, das jüdische Volk, besessen waren, sind hinter diesen Gräueltaten gestanden.
Als wir erklärten, dass für Juden, welche an Yeshua glauben, sich an die Torah halten müssen, riefen Sie laut “Sie sind aus der Gnade gefallen, Sie verneinen das Werk von Yeshua dem Messias!”.
Als wir dafür eintraten, dass das Land Israel den Bewohnern Israels allein gehört und kein Teil davon an eine andere Nation gegeben werden sollte, und dass Yehudah v’Shomron (Judäa und Samaria) das Zentrum des dieses Erbes sind, ein Land, das allein dem Volk Israel gehört, klagten Sie uns der Rebellion an. In alledem waren Sie schnell bereit zu richten. Gottes Zusagen anhand der Schrift interessier(t)en Sie nicht.
Und jetzt, wenn dieses Thema der Gottheit (Yeshuas) einmal mehr aufkommt, sind Sie schnell bereit, zu handeln. Auch dieses Mal sind Sie auf dem Richterstuhl und erlauben sich, das Urteil über andere zu sprechen, so als würden Sie selbst auf Gottes Richterstuhl sitzen.
Sie repräsentieren nicht einmal die gläubigen Juden in Israel. Fast alle von Ihnen, wenn nicht alle, sind Heiden (d.h. nicht Juden), welche die Torah ausser Kraft gesetzt haben und deren Erbe verachten. Die Lehre, für welche Sie kämpfen, und Sie mögen Sie nennen, wie immer Sie wollen, die “Trinität”, “Der Gott in Drei, welcher Einer ist” oder “Jeder von ihnen gleichzeitig und unabhängig Gott”, oder “Jesus allein”, oder “Jesus im Mittelpunkt”, alle von ihnen sind gegen Gott in ihrem innersten Wesen, oder – wie ein heute Anwesender sagte: “Ketzerei im Kern”.
Alles, was Sie (bezüglich Trinität) hier lehren, hat keine biblische Basis und basiert auf keiner Aussage/Lehre von Yeshua oder seinen Talmidim (Jüngern).
Sie haben alle ein Ziel: Israel (bzw. das Judentum) für ungültig zu erklären! So, wie auch Yeshua’s Name auf Jesus oder Yesus oder Xesus abgeändert wurde, sein Wesen dermassen verändert, damit er Gott werden konnte. Sie scheinen nicht zu verstehen, wer der Gott Israels ist oder wer Yeshua der Messias ist, der Erretter und Erlöser Israels. Das jüdische Volk, das Volk Israels, wird Ihre falsche Lehre nicht akzeptieren, so wie es auch bis auf den heutigen Tag keine andere christliche Lügendoktrin anerkannt hat. Sie machen dem Namen Yeshua keine Ehre, im Gegenteil.
Jeder wahre Jude rezitiert im Morgengebet (Shacharit) das “Avinu Malkeinu” (Unser Vater, unser König), wo er sagt:
“Unser Vater, unser König, vergelte denen, die in Deinem Heiligen Namen umgekommen sind. Unser Vater, unser König, vergelte denen, die um Deiner Einheit willen umgebracht worden sind.”
Und wenn einem Juden die Wahl zwischen dem Kreuz und dem Schwert gegeben wird, ruft er aus: “Höre, Israel, der HERR ist Gott, der HERR allein!” Das ist unser Schrei bis auf heute!
Wenn Sie zum “Sh’ma Israel – Höre, Israel, …” zurückkommen, dann danken Sie Gott!
Wir brauchen Ihre (christliche) Liebe nicht, und Sie müssen nicht definieren, was Rettung für uns (Juden) bedeutet.
Es ist klar, dass Sie Angst haben, dass Ihr Glaube ins Wanken kommt, wenn Sie die Doktrin der Trinität hinterfragen, denn wenn jemand sie hinterfragt, dann könnte die finanzielle Unterstützung Ihrer Kirche aufhören, oder eine Person würde in Frage gestellt. Tatsache ist, dass die meisten von Ihnen Ihr Einkommen von Kirchen beziehen, welche ebenfalls diese falsche Doktrin lehren.
Wir möchten Ihnen klar machen, dass es in vielen Versammlungen hier in Israel, aber auch in Ausland, viel mehr Leute gibt als Sie denken, welche Ihr falsche (Trinitäts-)Lehre ebenfalls nicht akzeptieren, aber auch sie haben Angst, von Ihnen gerichtet zu werden, exkommuniziert, der Gnade und Rettung entzogen, und am Abendmahl nicht mehr teilnehmen zu dürfen. Sie wissen ebenfalls, dass sie ihr soziales Netzwerk verlieren werden, an welches sie sich so gewöhnt haben. So verharren sie eingeschüchtert und in Stille.
Heute führen Sie wieder so eine messianische Inquisition durch. Für diese müssen Sie eines Tages (vor Gott) gerade stehen.
Möge Gott sein Volk Israel segnen,
und schnell in diesen Tagen den Erretter und Erlöser Israel’s bringen.
Der König und Messias, welcher in Ewigkeit sein wird,
welchem alles, aber auch wirklich alles gehört,
Yeshua dem Messias.

Dr. David Tel Tzur
Dr. Emanuel Gazit
Kehilat Heftzi-ba
Ma’aleh Adumim

End (c) copyright section U. ben-Mordechai
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How it all began … / Wie es alles begann …
It led to a spiritual Tsunami, having Christians in Israel, who allegedly call themselves “Messianic Jews”, defend the pagan Trinity dogma (to gain deeper insight, you need to read the book “If – The End of a Messianic Lie”):
“THE TRINITY – Midrash or Dogma” by Tsvi Sadan, the infamous “Israel Today” article in November 2001 that resurrected the trinity (in Hebrew “Shiloosh”) debate for Israel in the 21st century:

Dies führte zu einem geistlichen Tsunami, indem sich Christen in Israel, die sich fälschlicherweise “Messianische Juden” nennen, ihr heidnisches Trinitätskonzept verteidigen liessen (um tieferen Einblick in die Materie zu erhalten, muss das Buch “If – The End of a Messianic Lie” gelesen werden):
“Die Trinität – Midrash oder Dogma” von Tsvi Sadan, ein berüchtigter “Israel Heute” Artikel im Nov. 2001, welcher die Debatte der Trinität (in hebräisch “Schilusch”) im 21. Jahrhundert neu aufflammen liess:

“MESSIANIC JEWS – Debate the Deity of Jesus”, Israel Today, Nov. 2001:
“Messianische Juden – Debatte über die Göttlichkeit Jesu”, Israel Heute, Nov. 2001:

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Appendix A: Counterfeit Messianic Jews / Messianic Christians – Statements of Faith

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Truth or Tradition

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