The Chronological Gospels | Die Chronologischen Evangelien
Michael Rood proves that Jesus’ ministry lasted 70 weeks, not three years and a half. Find out why on this page. And find out what Jesus’ main mission was. This page is intended to clarify. | Michael Rood beweist, dass Jesu Wirkenszeit 70 Wochen betrug, und nicht dreieinhalb Jahre. Finde auf dieser Seite heraus warum. Und finde heraus, was Jesu’ Hauptauftrag war. Diese Seite soll zur Aufklärung dienen.
Based on The Chronological Gospels: The Life and Seventy Week Ministry of the Messiah.
Click here for the Playlist of “The Chronological Gospels – Michael Rood” on YouTube.
Page Content | Seiteninhalt
- Important Events | Wichtige Ereignisse:
The Chronology of Yeshua HaMashiach
Die Chronologie Jeschua’s, des Messias
[Introduction on Page 15:] … The scientific knowledge gleaned from NASA’s space program has allowed mankind to calculate the celestial and historic events of antiquity to within one-millionth of a day. We can now deciper the Creator’s celestial and terrestrial time clock with heretofore-incalculable accuracy. […] The modern Jewish calendar, invented in 359 CE by Hillel II, was based on mathematical astronomy rather than on the original method of observed astronomy combined with agricultural considerations in the last of Israel […]
Videos (Epi.1-4 mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
- (24-JAN-2018) Episode 1: The Gospel Of The Kingdom | Israel, Babylon und das Evangelium Königreich (23:29)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 2: What is the True Gospel? | Was ist das wahre Evangelium? (26:29)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 3: The Greek Jesus Vs. The Hebrew Yeshua
| Der griechische Jesus Vs. Der hebräische Yeshua (26:30) - (8-DEC-2017) Episode 4: Is Revelation the 5th Gospel? | Ist die Offenbarung das 5.Evangelium? (26:29)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 5: The Truth About the Miraculous Virgin Mary | Die Wahrheit über die wundersame Jungfrau Maria (22:58)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 6: Is Jesus THE Messiah? | Ist Jesus der Messias? (24:31)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 7: Yeshua or Jesus? Manger or Tabernacle? | Jeschua oder Jesus? Stall oder Hütte (Sukka)? (23:30)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 8: Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas! | Jesus wurde nicht an Weihnachten geboren (24:30)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 9: The Anti Messiah! | Der Antichrist (22:30)
- (24-JAN-2018) Episode 10: The Young Messiah | Der junge Messias (22:59)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 11: Satan’s Legal Authority on Earth | Satan’s legitimer Machtanspruch auf Erden (24:29)
- (8-DEC-2017) Episode 12: Daniel’s Prophecy | Daniel’s Prophetie (23:50)
Important Events during the area of Yeshua | Wichtige Ereignisse während der Zeit von Jeschua:
Source | Quelle: (Copyright © 2013 by Michael Rood).
(Dates are calculated by the help of NASA’s Space Program software | Daten sind errechnet anhand von Software des Raumfahrtprogramms von NASA)
- < 2 > Zecharyah serves in the Temple according to the course of Aviyah
[Biblical Hebrew Calendar: 7th Day of the 3rd Month, 3997 FC (From Creation) – Saturday, June 2, 4 BCE] - < 3 > Gavriel’s announcement to Zecharyah
Elisheva, the “barren one” will have a son
[8th Day of the 3rd Month, 3997 FC; Sunday, June 3, 4 BCE]
The announcement is made while Zechariah is serving in the Temple at Shavuot (Pentecost). - < 4 > Zecharyah returns home
the morning after the final Shabbat service of his order is concluded
[15th Day of the 3rd month, 3997 FC; Sunday, June 10, 4 BCE] - < 5 > Elisheva conceives a son
[4th Month, 3997 FC; July, 4 BCE] - < 6 > Gavriel’s announcement to Miriam
Last day of Hanukkah – the Feast of Lights
[Shabbat, 2nd Day of the 10th Month, 3997 FC; Saturday December 22, 4 BCE] - < 7 > Miriam hastily departs to see “The Sign”
Miriam stays for nearly three months and returns home in the month of the aviv
[~1st Week, 10th Month, 3997 FC; December, 4 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke 1:39-56 — John - < 8 > The birth of the son of Zecharyah and Elisheva
on the High Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread
[15th Day of the 1st Month (month of the aviv barley), 3998 FC; March 31, 3 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke 1:57-58 — John - < 9 > The brit milah of Yochanan
The circumcision and naming of Yochanan ben Zecharyah haCohen (the priest)
[22nd Day of the 1st Month, 3998 FC; Monday, April 8, 3 BCE]
Order of verses are altered to insert Zecharyah’s prophecy chronologically
Matthew — Mark — Luke 1:59-64, 67-79, 65-66 — John - < 10 > Summary: Yochanan ben Zecharyah’s first twenty-seven years
Hunted by Herod, orphaned in the wilderness, led by the Ruach Kodesh
Luke’s first summary statement
Matthew — Mark — Luke 1:80 — John - < 13 > The decree of Caesar Augustus
[3 – 2 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:1-3 — John - < 14 > Astronomical observation: second conjunction
II. The “Great Sign” in heaven
Astronomers observe “his star” Tzedek (Jupiter) as it comes into conjunction with Melek (Regulus) between the feet of Ariyeh (the Lion)
[The Day of Trumpets; 1st Day of the 7th Month, 3998 FC; Thursday, September 12, 3 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John — Revelation 12:1-2 - < 15 > Yoseph and Miriam “go up” to Jerusalem for the Feast of Sukkot
They also register for the Roman census in the nearby village of Beit Lechem
Both being netzerim of the house of David, Yoseph and Miriam are undoubtedly familiar with Micah’s prophecy that the Messiah would be born in their ancestral village Beit Lechem (Bethlehem).
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:4-6 — John - < 16 > The Word was made flesh and “tabernacled” among us
==Yeshua’s birthday is not the 25th of December 0 !==
Yeshua is born in a sukkah on the High Sabbath of the Feast of Sukkot
[Sukkot – 15th Day of the 7th Month, 3998 FC; Thursday, September 26, 3 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:7-20 — John 1:14 - < 17 > The brit milah of Yeshua
Yeshua is circumcised and named on the High Sabbath of the Last Great Day
[The Last Great Day – 22nd Day of the 7th Month, 3998 FC; Thursday, October 3, 3 BCE]
Matthew 1:25b — Mark — Luke 2:21 — John - < 18 > Yeshua is “redeemed” in the Temple
Miriam is purified with the “poor man’s offering” on her fortieth day;
Shimon and Hannah prophesy at the time
Yeshua is presented for redemption
[24th Day of the 8th Month, 3998 FC; Monday, November 4, 3 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:22-38 — John - < 22 > Astronomers present their gifts to the King
Immediately after presenting their gifts, the astronomers defy Herod and return to Babylon
[23rd Day of the 9th Month, 3999 FC; Sunday, December 21, 2 BCE]
Matthew 2:11-12 — Mark — Luke — John - < 23 > Yoseph, Miriam, and Yeshua flee to Egypt just before Hanukkah
[24th Day of the 9th Month, 3999 FC; Monday, December 22, 2 BCE]
Matthew 2:13-15 — Mark — Luke — John - < 24 > Herod orders the “slaughter of the innocents” in and around Beit Lechem
Male children in a stated age range are executed at the order of Herod
[Hanukkah – 25th Day of the 9th Month, 3999 FC; Tuesday, December 23, 2 BCE]
Matthew 2:16-18 — Mark — Luke — John - < Note 3 > Herod commands the Temple guard to execute Zecharyah
[Feast of Hanukkah – 25th Day of the 9th Month, 3999 FC; December 23, 2 BCE]
Zecharyah is murdered while serving in the Temple during Hanukkah and Elisheva flees with their child, who remains secluded in the wilderness for the next twenty-seven years.
[[The Protoevangelion of James 16:3-16]] - < 25 > Herod dies and Yoseph is commanded to return to Israel
[Spring 4000 FC; 1 BCE]
Matthew 2:19-20 — Mark — Luke — John - < Note 4 > Archelaus rules in his father’s place
After Herod’s death Archelaus slaughters 3,000 Pharisees and disrupts Passover
[1st Month (Month of the Aviv), 4000 FC; April, 1 BCE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John — Josephus - < 26 > Yoseph, Miriam, and Yeshua return from Egypt
Intending to settle in Beit Lechem but finding trouble in Yehudaea, Yoseph returns to the village of Natzeret in the District of the Gentiles
[Spring 4000 FC; 1 BCE]
Matthew 2:19-23 — Mark — Luke — John - < 27 > Summary: Yeshua Grows up in Natzeret
Luke’s third summary statement
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:40 — John - < 28 > Yeshua “goes up” to Jerusalem for the Passover
Yeshua astonishes the Torah scholars gathered at Jerusalem for the Feast
[Passover: 15th – 21st Day of the 1st Month, 4010 FC; 10 CE]
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:41-51 — John - < 29 > Summary: Yeshua matures into a young man in Natzeret
Luke’s fourth summary statement
Matthew — Mark — Luke 2:52 — John - < 30 > Yochanan ben Zecharyah haCohen calls for the mikveh (baptism) of repentance on the banks of the Jordan river
[ Winter – 4026 FC; 15th year of the reign of Tiberias Caesar: 26 – 27 CE]
Matthew 3:1-12 — Mark 1:1-8 — Luke 3:1-18 — John - < 31 > Yeshua’s mikveh in the Yarden by Yochanan ben Zecharyah; Yeshua begins forty days and nights of fasting
[Shabbat, 20th Day of the 11th Month, 4026 FC; February 16, 27 CE] - < 32 > Genealogy of Yeshua’s stepfather [Note TM: Should read: Father] Yoseph ben Eli
Yeshua had not yet reached his thirtieth year when he commenced his ministry in the spring of 27 CE (He was 28½ in Western reckoning) - < 33 > Yeshua led into the wilderness and fasts for forty days and nights
[20th Day of the 11th Month, 4026 FC; February 16, 27 CE through 29th Day of the 12th Month; March 27, 27 CE]
Week 1-6 — Day 1-40
Matthew 4:1-2 — Mark 1:12-13a — Luke 4:1-2 — John - < 34 > After fasting for forty days, Yeshua is tempted by hasatan
[30th Day of the 12th Month, 4026 FC; Friday March 28, 27 CE]
Week 6 — Day 41
Matthew 4:3-11 — Mark 1:13b — Luke 4:3-13 — John - < 35 > Yochanan testifies to the cohenim and Levites sent by the Pharisees
[30th Day of the 12th Month, 4026 FC; Friday March 28, 27 CE]
Week 6 — Day 41 - < 36 > “The next day”
Yochanan sees Yeshua return from the wilderness and proclaims him as “the Lamb of YHVH”
[Shabbat, 1st Day of the month of the aviv barley, 4027 FC; Saturday March 29, 27 CE]
Week 6 — Day 42
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 1:29-34 - < 37 > “The next day after”
Yeshua is joined by Andrew, John, and Kefa
[2nd Day of the 1st Month (month of the aviv barley), 4027 FC; Sunday March 30, 27 CE]
Week 7 — Day 43
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 1:35-42 - < 38 > “The day following”
They travel up to the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Yeshua meets Philip and travels with him to Beit Saida
[3rd Day of the 1st Month, 4027 F.C; Monday March 31, 27 CE]
Week 7 — Day 44
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 1:43-51 - < 39 > “The third day”
On Yom Shlishi, Yeshua defiles stone water pots at a Pharisee wedding in Cana by turning ceremonially impure water into wine
[3rd day of the week, 4th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Tuesday April 1, 27 CE]
Week 7 — Day 45
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 2:1-11 - < 40 > Yeshua, his family, and disciples travel to Kfar Nahum (Capernaum) and stay “not many days”
[5th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Wednesday April 2, 27 CE]
Week 7 — Day 46
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 2:12 - < Note 6 > Shabbat at Kfar Nahum
[Shabbat, 8th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Saturday April 5, 27 CE]
Week 7 — Day 49 - < 41 > Yeshua and company leave for Jerusalem and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
[9th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Sunday April 6, 27 CE]
Week 8 — Day 50
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 2:13
John 2:13 The Passover was at hand, and Yeshua went up to Yerushalayim. - Passover through Shavuot 4027 (Spring 27 CE)
< 42 > Yeshua arrives in Jerusalem for Passover
He removes “the leaven” from the Temple Mount and makes the first reference to the Jonah Code
[13th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Thursday April 10, 27 CE]
Week 8 — Day 54
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 2:14-22 - < Note 7 > The Passover is sacrificed
Late afternoon of the 14th day (April 11) the Passover is sacrificed and put into the oven
The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins at sundown
(which begins the fifteenth day, but still April 11 until midnight)
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Friday April 11, 27 CE]
Week 8 — Day 55 - < Note 8 > The Passover is eaten
The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins at sundown
The High Sabbath falls on the weekly Sabbath
[Shabbat, 15th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Friday evening April 11, 27 CE]
Week 8 — Day 56 - < 43 > Yeshua keeps the Feast in Yerushalayim
He speaks with Nicodemus after sunset, which is the Day of Firstfruits
Nicodemus becomes the Firstfruits among the Pharisee-ruled Sanhedrin
[16th Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Saturday evening April 12, 27 CE]
Week 9 — Day 57
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 2:23-3:21 - < Note 9 > The Feast of Unleavened Bread concludes with a High Sabbath
[21st Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Friday April 18, 27 CE]
Week 9 — Day 62
< 44 > Yeshua leaves Jerusalem after the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the weekly Sabbath
His disciples mikveh in rural Judaea while Yochanan mikvehs at Aenon of the Decapolis, bearing witness of Yeshua
[23rd Day of the 1st Month, 4027 FC; Sunday April 20, 27 CE]
Week 10-13
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 3:22-36 - < 46 > Yeshua performs a miracle at the well near Sh’khem
Week 14
He reveals the entire life story of a gentile Samaritan woman and then reveals that he is the Messiah to a gentile. He stays with the believing gentiles for “two days.”
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 4:5-43 - < 49 > Yeshua heals a lame man on the 7th Sabbath
[Shabbat – 7th Sabbath of the counting of the omer,
6th Day of the 3rd Month, 4027 FC; May 31, 27 CE]
Week 15 — Day 105
Yeshua heals a lame man at the Pool of Bethesda the day before the Feast of Shavuot and then tells him to break the Prushim law of the eruv in the presence of thousands
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 5:2-15 - < 50 > Yeshua Teaches in the Temple at the Feast of Shavuot
[Shavuot – 7th Day of the 3rd Month, 4027 FC; June 1, 27 CE]
Week 16 — Day 106
Matthew — Mark — Luke 3:19-20 — John 5:16-47 - < 52 > Yeshua proclaims “The Acceptable Year of YHVH”
and violates Pharisee law in the Nazareth synagogue
[Shabbat – 13th Day of the 3rd Month, 4027 FC; June 7, 27 CE]
Week 16 — Day 112
Matthew — Mark — Luke 4:16-30 — John - < 56 > Yeshua heals a demon possessed man
on Shabbat in the Kfar Nahum synagogue
[Shabbat – 20th Day of the 3rd Month, 4027 FC; Saturday June 14, 27 CE]
Week 17 — Day 119
Matthew — Mark 1:21-28 — Luke 4:31-37 — John - < 57 > Yeshua heals Shimon Kefa’s mother-in-law
after the Synagogue Shabbat Service
[Shabbat – 20th Day of the 3rd Month, 4027 FC; June 14, 27 CE ]
Week 17 — Day 119
Matthew 8:14-15 — Mark 1:29-31 — Luke 4:38-39 — John - < 62 > The first “Sermon on the Mount” Yeshua proclaims “the rules of the Kingdom”
to the disciples who climb the mountain to hear in direct opposition to the rules of the Pharisees
Week 21
Matthew 5:1-7:29 — Mark — Luke — John - < 68 > Yeshua and his disciples “harvest, winnow, and grind” grain
on the second Sabbath after the first of the month, incurring the wrath of the Pharisees
[Shabbat – 10th day, 5th month, 4027 FC; Saturday August 2, 27 CE]
Week 24 — Day 168
Events detailed in Matthew 12 and 13 occur during the same period as events recorded in Matthew 8:18 – 11:30.
Matthew 12:1-8 — Mark 2:23-28 — Luke 6:1-5 — John - < 69 > Yeshua heals a man with a withered hand
[Shabbat – 10th day, 5th month, 4027 FC; Saturday August 2, 27 CE]
Week 24 — Day 168 - < 81 > The sign of the prophet Yonah is given
The religious leaders demand another messianic sign, but Yeshua says there will be only one sign
Week 26
Matthew 12:38-45 — Mark — Luke — John - < 101 > The twelve apostles return to meet Yeshua in the Galilee
before the Rosh Khodesh of the 7th month
(The Day of Trumpets)
Week 31 — Day 215
Matthew — Mark 6:30-31 — Luke 9:10a — John - < 102 > Yeshua feeds about 5,000 with leavened barley loaves and fish
[28th Day of the 6th Month, 4027 FC; Thursday, September 18, 27 CE]
Week 31 — Day 215 - < 107 > Many disciples are disillusioned and choose to no longer follow Yeshua
[Shabbat before the Day of Trumpets – 30th Day of the 6th Month, 4027 FC; Saturday September 20, 27 CE]
Week 31 — Day 217
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 6:66-71 - < 113 > Second miracle of loaves and fish
about 4,000 men are fed after following Yeshua for three days
[4th Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Wednesday, September 24, 27 CE]
Week 32 — Day 221
Matthew 15:32-38 — Mark 8:1-9 — Luke — John - < 114 > Crossing from the Golan Heights to Migdal, the Prushim and Zadokim confront Yeshua
[5th Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Thursday, September 25, 27 CE]
Week 32 — Day 222
Matthew 15:39-16:4 — Mark 8:10-13 — Luke — John - < 115 > Summary statement: the Prushim and Zadokim threaten to kill Yeshua
[5th Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Thursday, September 25, 27 CE]
Week 32 — Day 222 - < 119 > Yeshua ordained as the Cohen Gadol “The Transfiguration”
[Yom Kippur – 10th Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Tuesday, September 30, 27 CE]
Week 33 — Day 227
Matthew 17:1-9 — Mark 9:2-10 — Luke 9:28-36 — John - < 120 > Yeshua endorses the deceased Yochanan ben Zecharyah
and answers the enigmatic ‘suffering servant’ and ‘Eliyahu first’ prophecies
[Yom Kippur – 10th Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Tuesday, September 30, 27 CE]
Week 33 — Day 227
Matthew 17:10-13 — Mark 9:11-13 — Luke — John - < 123 > Yeshua speaks of his death and resurrection
as they travel toward his home in Kfar Nahum
[11th Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Wednesday, October 1, 27 CE]
Week 33 — Day 228
Matthew 17:22-23 — Mark 9:30-32 — Luke 9:43b-45 — John - < 130 > Yeshua proclaims the prophetic fulfillment of the “Latter Rain” outpouring of the Spirit
[High Sabbath – Shemini Atzeret (The Last Great Day) –
22nd Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Sunday, October 12, 27 CE]
Week 35 — Day 239
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 7:37-43 - < 131 > The Sanhedrin sends officers to arrest Yeshua
Nicodemus defends Yeshua against other members of the Sanhedrin
[High Sabbath – Shemini Atzeret (The Last Great Day) –
22nd Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Sunday, October 12, 27 CE]
Week 35 — Day 239
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 7:44-52 - < 132 > Yeshua commissions seventy disciples
at the conclusion of the Feast
[Shemini Atzeret (The Last Great Day) –
22nd Day of the 7th Month, 4027 FC; Sunday, October 12, 27 CE]
Week 35 — Day 239
Matthew — Mark — Luke 10:1-16 — John - < 136 > Knowing the danger, Yeshua “goes up” to Hanukkah
(aka: the Feast of Lights) where he confronts the religious leaders
[Shabbat – 25th Day of the 9th Month, 4027 FC; Saturday, December 13th, 27 CE]
Week 43 — Day 301
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 8:12-59 - < 137 > At Hanukkah the “Light of the World” heals a man born blind
[Shabbat – 25th Day of the 9th Month, 4027 FC; Saturday, December 13th, 27 CE]
Week 43 — Day 301
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 9:1-41 - < 138 > Yeshua teaches during the Feast of Hanukkah
“the door of the sheepfold” and “the good shepherd”
[26th Day of the 9th Month – 2nd Day of the 10th Month; 4027 FC; December 14 – 20, 27 CE]
Week 44 — Day 302-308
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 10:1-39 - <149> The raising of Lazarus in Bethany
~ Week 55 – Purim
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 11:17-53 - < 158 > Passover approaches
Pilgrims come from afar to prepare for Passover and the Feast of Matzah; Religious leaders diligently watch for Yeshua’s arrival to arrest him
Week 62
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 11:55-57 - < 159 > Approaching Bethany, Yeshua instructs his disciples to secure a young ass that would be needed the following morning
[9th Day of the 1st Month (Month of the Aviv), 4028 FC; Friday, April 23, 28 CE]
Week 62 — Day 433
Matthew 21:1-7a — Mark 11:1-6 — Luke 19:29-34 — John 12:1 - < 160 > Miriam anoints Yeshua’s head and feet at supper at Shimon’s house in Bethany
[10th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Friday evening, April 23, 28 CE]
Week 62 — Day 434
Matthew 26:6-13 — Mark 14:3-9 — Luke — John 12:2-11 - < 161 > The “Triumphal Entry” of the Passover Lamb on the morning of “the next day”
[Shabbat – 10th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Saturday, April 24, 28 CE]
Week 62 — Day 434
Matthew 21:7b-11, 15-16 — Mark 11:7-11 — Luke 19:35-44 — John 12:12-16 - < 164 > The Voice from Heaven signifies Yeshua as the “Passover Lamb” (Third ‘bat kol’ – Voice from Heaven)
[Shabbat – 10th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC ; Saturday, April 24, 28 CE]
Week 62 — Day 434
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 12:27-50 - < 167 > Yeshua cleanses the Temple
[11th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Sunday, April 25, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 435
Mark frames the event in the chronology, while Matthew and Luke are a parenthesis that belongs here in the time line.
Matthew 21:12-14 — Mark 11:15b-19 — Luke 19:45-46 — John - < 169 > Yeshua begins his last day of teaching in the Temple
[12th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Monday, April 26, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 436 - < 170 > Inspection of the Passover Lamb in the Temple
[12th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Monday, April 26, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 436
Matthew 22:15-22 — Mark 12:13-17 — Luke 20:20-26 — John - < 175 > Yeshua prophesies the destruction of the Temple
as he leaves the Temple for the last time [12th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Monday, April 26, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 436
Matthew 24:1-2 — Mark 13:1-2 — Luke 21:5-6 — John - < 179 > Yehudas agrees to betray Yeshua for the slave price – thirty pieces of silver
[13th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 F.C; Tuesday, April 27, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 437
Matthew 26:14-16 — Mark 14:10-11 — Luke 22:3-6 — John - < 181 > The “Last Supper” before the Passover
[14th Day of the 1st month, 4028 FC; Tuesday, April 27 after sunset, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 13:1-2a - < 182 > The walk to Gethsemane
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 26:31-32 — Mark 14:27-28 — Luke — John - < 183 > Yeshua taken first to Annas, father in law of Caiaphas, the High Priest
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 18:13-14 - < 184 > Annas immediately sends Yeshua to Caiaphas
for an illegal midnight inquisition[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 26:57-66 — Mark 14:53-64 — Luke 22:54 — John 18:24 - < 185 > During Yeshua’s inquisition, Kefa denies him twice before the maids
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 26:69-72 — Mark 14:66-70a — Luke 22:55-58 — John 18:15-18, 25 - < 186 > Caiaphas interrogates Yeshua while Kefa is confronted in the outer courtyard
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 18:19-23 - < 188 > Yeshua is mocked and beaten while having his eyes covered
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 26:67-68 — Mark 14:65 — Luke 22:63-65 — John - < 189 > Yeshua is brought before the Sanhedrin
in the early morning hours he is taken to the Hall of Hewn Stones on the Temple Mount
(a stone’s cast from Pilate’s Praetorium – the Antonia Fortress)
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:1 — Mark 15:1a — Luke 22:66-71 — John - < 190 > Yeshua is bound and brought into Pilate’s Praetorium (Judgment Hall)
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:2 — Mark 15:1b — Luke 23:1-2 — John 18:28-32 - < 191 > Pilate returns into the Judgment Hall to question Yeshua
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:11 — Mark 15:2 — Luke 23:3 — John 18:33-38a - < 192 > Pilate gives his first “not guilty” verdict
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke 23:4 — John 18:38b - < 193 > Pilate sends Yeshua and his accusers to Herod for judgment
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke 23:5-7 — John - < 194 > Yeshua is presented before Herod in his palace but Yeshua refuses to acknowledge the King
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke 23:8-9 — John - < 195 > Herod hears the accusations of the ruling cohenim and sages
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke 23:10 — John - < 197 > Herod indignantly returns Yeshua to Pilate after he is unable to evoke a response
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke 23:11b-12 — John - < 199 > More accusations are leveled in front of Pilate and Herod; Yeshua refuses to respond
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:12-14 — Mark 15:3-5 — Luke — John - < 200 > Pilate offers a grim choice for the annual Passover prisoner pardon program: Yeshua or the notorious murderer bar Abbas
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:15-26a — Mark 15:6-15a — Luke 23:16-25a — John 18:39-40 - < 201 > Pilate has Yeshua scourged
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:26b — Mark 15:15b — Luke — John 19:1 - < 207 > Pilate relents under the political threats of the religious leaders and finally gives the crucifixion order
Matthew — Mark — Luke 23:25b — John 19:16a - < 211 > Yeshua and two criminals are crucified at Golgotha
About 9 a.m. (the third hour of the day) the verdict is posted above Yeshua’s head
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE] - < 214 > Darkness covers the land while the Passover lambs are being sacrificed (from noon to 3 pm)
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:45 — Mark 15:33 — Luke 23:44-45a — John - < 216 > Yeshua quotes Psalm 22 at about 3 pm
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:46-47 — Mark 15:34-35 — Luke — John - < 219 > “IT IS FINISHED!”
The cry of triumph and the death of Yeshua
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew 27:50 — Mark 15:37 — Luke 23:46 — John 19:30 - < 221 > The “three that bear witness” in the earth
Yeshua’s side is pierced
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 19:31-37 - < 223 > Nicodemus and Yoseph properly prepare Yeshua’s body
after the women leave the scene seeing that he was not properly buried
[14th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Wednesday, April 28, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 438
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 19:39-42 - < 224 > On the High Sabbath the ruling cohenim request the posting of a guard from the Roman authorities
[15th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Thursday, April 29, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 439
Matthew 27:62-66 — Mark — Luke — John - < Note 19 > After spending three days and three nights in the grave, Yeshua arose from the grave ‘on the third day’ after his burial. The resurrection transpired on the weekly Sabbath. When Miriam returned to the grave, “early the first day of the week,” “while it was still dark,” the grave was empty. Yeshua had already risen late the previous day.
[Shabbat, 17th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Saturday, May 1, 28 CE]
Week 63 — Day 441 - < 229 > Miriam finds the sepulcher empty Sunday morning before sunrise.
She departs to find Kefa and Yochanan
[18th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Sunday, May 2, 28 CE]
Week 64 — Day 442
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 20:1-2 - < 231 > Miriam sees the resurrected Messiah
Yeshua remains “untouched” until the Firstfruits offering
[18th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Sunday, May 2, 28 CE]
Week 64 — Day 442
Mark 16:9 is a parenthetical explanation.
Matthew — Mark 16:9 — Luke — John 20:11-17 - < 237 > Yeshua appears to two disciples on the road to Emmaus
they return to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples
[18th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Sunday, May 2, 28 CE]
Week 64 — Day 442
Matthew — Mark 16:12-13 — Luke 24:13-35 — John - < 238 > Yeshua appears in the midst of the disciples at Yerushalayim
[19th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Monday, May 3, 28 CE]
Week 64 — Day 443
Matthew — Mark 16:14 — Luke 24:36-44 — John 20:19-24 - < 241 > “After eight days” Yeshua appears to Thomas and the disciples
[26th Day of the 1st Month, 4028 FC; Monday, May 10, 28 CE]
Week 65 — Day 450
Matthew 28:17 — Mark — Luke — John 20:26-29 - < 242 > Summary: events during the forty days
Weeks 63-69 — Days 441-481
Matthew — Mark — Luke — John 20:30-31 - < 246 > Yeshua ascends on the 40th day of the counting the Omer
[27th Day of the 2nd Month, 4028 FC; Thursday, June 10, 28 CE]
Week 69 — Day 481
Acts 1:3 “Being seen of them forty days…”
Matthew — Mark 16:15-19 — Luke 24:50-51 — John - < 247 > Summary: The disciples return to Jerusalem and wait for the Feast of Shavuot
After Shavuot they go forth heralding the good news of the Kingdom
Matthew — Mark — Luke 24:52-53 — John - < 254> The gift of the Ruach Kodesh is poured out during the Feast of Shavuot
[8th Day of the 3rd Month, 4028 FC; Sunday, June 20, 28 CE]
Week 71 — Day 491
Episode 1: The Gospel Of The Kingdom
Israel, Babylon und das Evangelium des Königreichs
(Publ. Jan. 24, 2018) (Copied from YouTube:) To understand what Jesus was teaching in the Pharisee synagogues, we must diligently study every incident the Gospel authors record, and ask; “What DID Jesus DO in their synagogues”? What he DID is the Gospel of the Kingdom. What did he SAY in the heat of battle with the religious leaders? What he SAID is the Gospel of the Kingdom. Everything he SAID and DID was an ILLUSTRATION – a living example of the Gospel of the Kingdom in word and deed.
(Video innerhalb YouTube anschauen mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 2: What is the True Gospel?
Was ist das wahre Evangelium?
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) To understand Jesus’ life and the Bible we have to comprehend the religious environment of Israel during that time period to know the True Gospel. Two factions ruled Israel – Pharisees and Sadducees. They disagreed on innumerable issues and simply agreed on their hatred for the “Messiah”.
(Video innerhalb YouTube anschauen mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
[TM: Video Content: Babylonian worship, Constantinian churchianity, Mt.28:19: What was Jesus really teaching?, Mt.3:2: Repent from what?, Torah = Instructions, Lev.25:1-7: Jews removed, The Ten Lost Tribes, Ezra7:7-9: … 483 years before John the Baptist, Jn.1:29, Micah5:1-3: The religious environment … Chorazin, The Pharesees and the Saducees, Deut.4:2: Don’t add! A man made religion, Rev.22:18, Using the title “Rabbi”, Takanot (Takhanot): What are they?, Lk.9:51: A wrong translation!, Mount Gerazim vs. Mount Morijah
| Inhalt des Videos : -folgt-]
Episode 3: The Greek Jesus Vs. The Hebrew Yeshua
Der griechische Jesus Vs. Der hebräische Yeshua
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) The Christian realm is waking up from the realization that “Jesus Christ” wasn’t a blond-haired, blue-eyed, soft-spoken Gentile. Rather he was raised in a Jewish observant home where Torah was law and he was Jewish.
(Video innerhalb YouTube anschauen mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
[TM: Video Content: YeHoVah, mentioned 7000 times, IESUS -> Jesus, Mt.1-20-21, Gen.3:20, The 28 manuscripts of the Hebrew Matthew, Dtn.18, Lk.4:41, Mk.1:24-25, Mt.9:27, Mt.12:14-21, Isa42:1-4, Mt.10:34, Mt.16:13-21, Rom.11, Jn.2+3, The Samartean woman, Yeshua the Messiah, Rom.11:17, Exo.12:49, Exo.23:17
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Episode 4: Is Revelation the 5th Gospel?
Ist Offenbarung das 5.Evangelium?
(See warning note below the video | Siehe Warnung unter dem Video)
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) The Christian realm is waking up from the realization that “Jesus Christ” wasn’t a blond-haired, blue-eyed, soft-spoken Gentile. Rather he was raised in a Jewish observant home where Torah was law and he was Jewish.
(Video innerhalb YouTube anschauen mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
[TM: Video Content: Mt.2:23: Nazareth … a Nazarene, Num.6:1-21, Gen.1:14: Signs and Seasons, Moon and Month (Chodesh), New Moon, Astronomical Conjunction, Dtn.16:1, Tzemach – Branch, The Suffering Servant, Acts2:29-31, Mt.2:23, Isa.11:1: Branch, Isa.11:10: Netzer = a shoot from an olive tree, Jer.23:5: A righteous Tzemach, Zech.3:8, Zech:6:12, Isa.4:2,4, Hoshana Rabba, Mt.=Yeshua the King, Mk.=Yeshua the Servant, Lk.=Yeshua the Son of Man, Jn.=Yeshua the Son of God, Rev.=Yeshua the Judge
| Inhalt des Videos : -folgt-]
Where I don’t agree with M.Rood:
“Jesus, God in the Flesh” is a Christian Doctrine, not supported in the Bible. Jn.1:1 is a wrong translation.
Wo ich nicht einverstanden bin mit M.Rood:
“Jesus, Gott im Fleisch” ist ein christliches Dogma, das in der Bibel nicht unterstützt ist. Joh.1,1 ist in unseren herkömmlichen Bibelübersetzungen falsch übersetzt!
Please see
- The misrepresented “Christ” of Christianity (Orig. Source: Torah Of Messiah)
- Der misinterpretierte “Christus” des Christentums (Orig. Quelle: Torah Of Messiah)
- More links may follow
Episode 5: The Truth About the Miraculous Virgin Mary
Die Wahrheit über die wundersame Jungfrau Maria
(See warning note below the video | Siehe Warnung unter dem Video)
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) In order to understand the precise chronology given in the book of Luke, we MUST understand God’s timing, the order of priestly courses, and how both relate to the Feasts of the LORD during this Biblical time period.
(Video innerhalb YouTube anschauen mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
[TM: Video Content: Lk.1:1-4 Zecharyah and Elisheva, Lk.1:5, 1 Chr.24:1-18, Lk.1:6-7, Lk.1:10 Zecharyah was deaf-dumb, Lk.1:21-22, Lk.1:24
| Inhalt des Videos: Lk.1: Über Zacharias und Elisabeth. Zacharia war taubstumm! ]
Where I don’t agree with M.Rood:
The Virgin Birth (VB) is a Christian Doctrine. It finds hardly any support in the NT. Shouldn’t it at least be mentioned in the Book of Acts? It isn’t.
Wo ich nicht einverstanden bin mit M.Rood:
Die Jungfrauengeburt ist ein christliches Dogma. Es findet kaum Unterstützung im NT. Sollte sie nicht zumindest in der Apostelgeschichte erwähnt sein? Sie ist es nicht.
Please see
- How the “virgin birth” doctrine weakens Yeshua’s claim to being Messiah! (Torah Of Messiah [archived page])
- The Genealogy of Yeshua (Circumcised [.pdf File])
- The Ancient Mediterranean’s Virgin Birth Narratives (
- More links may follow
Episode 6: Is Jesus THE Messiah?
Ist Jesus der Messias?
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) Who is the Messiah? Is it Jesus? Boring as they may seem to the casual reader, there is a reason for the seemingly endless chapters of “begottens” in the Bible, but genealogical proofs are paramount to inheritance claims, and this genealogy is the claim to the throne of King David. Yeshua is called “the son of David” by numerous individuals, including Matthew and several ‘demon, possessed’ social outcasts, but that is not PROOF that he IS the son of David. The Messiah must BE the son of David; it is NOT a figure of speech, but rather, a messianic expectation and legal requirement based on ancient prophecies.
(Video innerhalb YouTube anschauen mit Deutschen Untertiteln **)
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 7: Yeshua or Jesus? Manger or Tabernacle?
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) What is the Tabernacle? Why was the name Yeshua given to the Son of God? Where did the name Jesus come from? And most importantly, when was he born?
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 8: Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas!
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) In this episode, you will learn that there weren’t 3 wise men (astronomers) at Yeshua’s birth, that Yeshua wasn’t born on Christmas day and that a treasure had been set aside for him by King David.
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 9: The Anti Messiah!
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) The Anti-Messiah Revealed! At the age of twelve, Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) understanding of the Torah and the Prophets, and his answers to the most difficult questions of Torah law, utterly confounded the rules and priests of his day.
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 10: The Young Messiah
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) Herod was a jealous king. He had been rebuilding the Temple for 16 years, and his architectural genius graced the land from Masada to the Galilee. His children were destined to rule over Israel as the next kings of the Jews. There was no way that some child was going to get in his way. Especially not Jesus of Nazareth.
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 11: Satan’s Legal Authority on Earth
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) Was all authority given to Satan on Earth? Is the devil really the god of this world? Why would the Almighty allow this? Learn what the Bible says about this very subject in this episode. Did you know that John the Baptist wasn’t a baptist, nor his name was John? His name was Yochanan and he was the son of an Aaronic priest. He had one mission – to call the nation of Israel into repentance.
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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Episode 12: Daniel’s Prophecy
(Publ. Dec. 8, 2017) (Copied from YouTube:) The first segments of Daniel’s prophecy have come to pass with precision that could only be guided by the master of the universe, but there remains the seventieth “7” to fulfill – which will commence at the Confirmation of the Covenant, when the Ark of the Covenant is revealed at the zenith of Zechariah’s Thermonuclear war. The return of King Yeshua to rule the earth with a rod of iron is still several years away. It is time to wake up and engage in the work of the ministry – we are on the edge of the age of redemption.
[TM: Video Content: -to follow-
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(Rev. 7-MAY-2021)