What I believe

Page created: Jan. 2015
Updated: Aug. 8, 2023

  • “Many Gentiles will go and say, “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the house of the God of Ya‘akov! He will teach us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah, the word of Adonai from Yerushalayim.” (Micah 4:2.)
  • “The same teaching is to apply equally to the citizen and to the foreigner living among you.” (Ex.12:49.)

Back to classical, Constantinian, Trinitarian, Torah adverse, Catholic, Protestant, “free evangelical” Christianity?! No, thank you!
Back to the roots of the pure Christian faith? Yes! 
See also “Kirche ade!” (Bye-bye Church – currently only in German) .

Definitions. Naming Conventions.
What I believe. My Statement of Faith.
Conclusion. “My Story” (My Story with God).
Who is Jesus? He is the Messiah!
Further Pages. Recommended websites or pages.


Dear reader,

On this page you can read what I believe concerning my faith. Status January 2017. I’m in a learning process which means that this post will be updated when I come to new major findings. I don’t claim to say I’m right in every aspect. All learning is “patchwork”, as Rav Sha’ul, the Apostle Paul, used to say: “For we know in part” (1Co.13:9).

I’m aware of the fact that many Christians will be shocked or disappointed while reading  this article. I need to say that I would also have been shocked about these lines a few years ago. Some will terminate their friendship with me, e.g. on Facebook, but also true relations have broken and will break apart. I must accept this. I know that finally I will have to give account to the Most High – blessed be He (Baruch Hu) – about what I believe and what I communicate.

It is a fact that after more than 30 years “in faith” God has been starting and still is reformatting my “spiritual hard drive”. He started to introduce Himself in a completely new way since 2011. It is fantastic! I simply say: Thank you, Abba!
To answer the question right away about what I am: No, I’m not a (traditional, evangelical or protestant) Christian anymore, nor am I a Jehova’s witness nor a Jew.
I’m a follower of the Messiah, the “unique” son of the Most High!
Or in other words: I’m a “messianic gentile”, a “Goy Mashiach”.
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Definitions, Naming Conventions and Explanations

  • Yeshua vs. Jesus: Jesus comes from the Greek name IESOUS. His real, Hebrew name is Yeshua. (יֵשׁוּעַ). Yeshua is (or was) the “suffering servant”, the perfected Tzaddik (righteous one). Yeshua is not only a Schaliach (sent, anointed one), but the Messiah, who will be our Kohen Gadol (High Priest) in the Olam HaBa (the Kingdom to Come). Who Yeshua really is for me and how I understand his position, can be read below.
  • YHWH vs. God: God is a title. God’s name is the four letter word YHWH (יהוה‎). Jews call Him respectfully “Hashem” (= “the Name”), in order not to utter His name. I will simply call Him Hashem or “God” on this page. The correct pronounciation of God’s name however is “YeHoVah” [note: see article “God’s name” on this website], but Rabbinical, i.e. tradition of man prohibits Jews to utter this name. Hashem is the God of AM Yisrael (the People of Israel) and He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the God of ours and He is my God, the God of all Goyim (gentiles or nations).  He is the one and only Creator of Heaven and Earth. When I pray to Him, I call Him “Heavenly Father” (“Avinu ScheBaShamayim“), sometimes I call Him “Abba” (= Father [Daddy]). And – yes: He is also my and our “Avinu Malkeinu” (“our royal father”), with who I live in a personal relationship.
  • Ruach HaKodesh vs. Holy Spirit: The spirit or rather “the power” or “guidance” of God is the Ruach HaKodesh. Everyone who willingly believes and follows the Creator God, will be guided by the Ruach. The Ruach HaKodesh is not a person nor a third “part” of God or a Triune Godhead.
  • Tanakh (abbr TNK **) or the Hebrew Bible vs. the “Old Testament” (OT): The term “Old Testament” is deceptive and erroneous. The Torah which is part of the Tanakh are the Five Books of Moses and they are the “Instructions” of God, not the “Law”, as most Christians dismissively call it. Neither Yeshua nor the Apostles ever taught anything but the Tanakh.
    ** TNK = Abbr./Acronym for the three parts Torah („Instructions“), Nevi’im („Prophets“) and Ketuvim („Writings“).
  • Apostolic or Messianic Writings vs. “New Testament” (NT): Also the term “New Testament” is deceptive and erroneous. Many Christians think the New Testament has superceded the “Old Testament”. This is wrong. Since the NT had been written by famous Apostles like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul and James, I prefer to call the NT “Apostolic” or Messianic Writings or Scriptures. The NT is NEVER on the same level as the “AT”. In a certain way the NT could be compared with “Oral Torah”, which by the way – Oral Torah – is completely ignored or even denied by Christianity. Many pastors or preachers would now tear their robe, and many Jews, too, when I say the NT is kind of Oral Torah. Unfortunately the NT has some major translation errors, be it in a  King James Version, or e.g. a “Luther Bibel” or any other Bible versions in any language. They all base on the “Textus Receptus“. In all these bibles some verses have been redacted, corrupted on purpose, in order to transform the Jewish / Hebrew Yeshua into a Christian Jesus Christ. Baruch Hashem we can meanwhile find many original Scriptures such as “Codex Sinaiticus”, “Papyri” 46 and more on the Internet, including the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. More and more translation errors are now being debunked and corrected. See links (e.g. NTCF.org) and websites further below in this article.

The Bible passages below can be read online while clicking the scripture link. Verses are displayed from the “Complete Jewish Bible” (CJB) by David H.Stern and the German “Schlachter 2000” (SCH2000) Bible via Biblegateway.com.
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What I believe. And in Who I Believe.

  • I believe, Yeshua is the prophet foretold by Moses in Deut.18:15.
  • As Yeshua taught us (Mk.12:28-32), I believe, (like Yeshua did), in the One, Monotheist God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ex.3:6) – Elohim Echad – One God, not (anymore) a Trinitarian God (God Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Trinity is a pagan Christian dogma, invented by the Catholic Church in the 4th Century CE.
  • As Yeshua taught us, he was fully man. His God is also the God of ours (Jn.17:3). Yeshua is NOT God. Yeshua’s biological father was Yosef. Yeshua’s mother was Mirjam (called Mary by Christianity). Mary’s father was also called Yosef. So both of Mirjam’s husband and Mirjam’s father were called Yosef. This creates a lot of confusion. Download “The Virgin Birth” via NTCF.org listed further below on this page.
  •  I believe that Yeshua gave his life freely. God never required a human sacrifice. It was Yeshua’s life as a perfected Tzaddik and in addition it was his suffering as the “suffering servant” Mashiach ben Yosef which makes Yeshua the Messiah.
  • I believe Yeshua will return as Mashiach Ben David in a few years or decades from now.
  • I believe a “conversion to Jesus” is not required to go to Heaven (note that no one will go to Heaven anyway, since Heaven will be on Earth). Yeshua did not say: “Surrender your life to me and you’ll be saved!”. He preached something completely different and you can read it in the “New Testament” (where else?), namely in Mk.12:28-34.
  • I believe the “Holy Spirit” (“Ruach HaKodesh“) is not a third Godhead and worshipping a Holy Spirit is blasphemy.
  • I believe the Tanakh (including Torah) (so called “Old Testament” [OT] by Christianity) is the sovereign “Word of God”, preached by Yeshua and the Apostles.
  • I believe that the Apostolic or Messianic Writings (including the four Gospels)  (so called “New Testament”  [NT]) by Christianity IN NO WAY supercedes the “Old Testament” or TANAKH. The Tanakh has higher priority than the NT. However it is good to know the NT, especially reading the Book of Acts shows us how the “Church” of the 1st Century lived. It is also good to read the 4 Gospels since they show us what Yeshua taught and how he lived. We need to be aware of some very critical errors in the NT, mistranslated on purpose by the Early Church or the “Church Fathers”.
  • I believe that the Torah is not only valid for God’s people of Israel (the Jews) but also for the nations, however in a limited way.  I think Christians shouldn’t be “happy” with just adhering to the Seven Noachide Laws, but they should also strive for learning and studying Torah. They should also keep Shabbat and God’s feasts, not Christmas and Easter.
  • I believe that God’s Kingdom will be on earth and not in Heaven.
  • I believe that I’m grafted into God’s Kingdom and I will have my place in the Olam HaBa (The Kingdom to Come), – BS’D – because I truly believe in Elohim Echad, the Creator of the universe.
  • I believe that “eternal hell” is a pagan concept, invented by the Catholic Church and followed by the Protestant Church and any Christian denomination. However I believe that we will go through sort of a purification “programme”, but not in the sense of the Catholic purgatory.
  • … Furthermore I believe in and I second “The Thirteen Principles of Jewish faith” by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (“Maimonides” also known as “The Rambam”) (see Chabad.): Quote 1. Belief in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all that exists / 2. The belief in G‑d’s absolute and unparalleled unity. / 3. The belief in G‑d’s non-corporeality, nor that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling. / 4. The belief in G‑d’s eternity. / 5. The imperative to worship G‑d exclusively and no foreign false gods. / 6. The belief that G‑d communicates with man through prophecy. / 7. The belief in the primacy of the prophecy of Moses our teacher. / 8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah. / 9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah. / 10. The belief in G‑d’s omniscience and providence. / 11. The belief in divine reward and retribution. / 12. The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the messianic era. / 13. The belief in the resurrection of the dead. Unquote

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(Again:) Who is Jesus? He is not an angel, and he is more than a prophet.
(See also Which Messiah do you follow?)

  • Yeshua is the Messiah.
  • Yeshua was not pre-existent.
  • Yeshua was born biologically as a Human. His biological father was Yosef and his mother was Mirjam (erroneously called Mary). The Virgin Birth is a Christian bogus, devised by the so called “Church fathers”. A virgin birth would significantly weaken the position of Messiah, since Messiah is a natural, human descendant of the tribe of Judah.
  • Yeshua lives. He died, was buried and was gloriously resurrected by God after three days. He is now sitting at the right side of the Almighty God’s throne.
  • He is the unique ** “son of Elohim” (God), but he is not the Trinitarian “God son” preached by Christianty.
    ** Unique son, not just “a” son, because Yeshua received the Yechidah, the highest form of the soul during his Mikweh (“Baptism”) at the Jordan River. It was not the “Holy Spirit” which “came down onto Jesus”.
  • He is the “Son of Man” (Adam’s Son), referring to his role as representative of the Kingdom of Israel (Dan.7:13-14).
  • He is the “sent one” (“shaliach”), the unique agent of his God and ours.
  • He will reign as our High Priest (Kohen Gadol) from Jerusalem during the Millenial Kingdom.
  • He was the Suffering Servant, a perfected Tzaddik (righteous one) – Mashiach ben Yosef who was able to reconcile the whole human kind with God (read “Derech Hashem” by Rabbi Chaim Moshe Luzzatto).
  • He will come back as Mashiach ben David and fulfill the yet missing parts, i.e. bring peace on earth, (re-)build the (Third) Temple and bring back the Ten (Lost) Tribes to Israel.
  • He learned and demonstrated absolute obedience towards God’s eternal Instructions (Torah) and thus became the perfected Tzaddik by living and fulfilling Tikkun, correction, fixation and repair.
  • Yeshua is my by God ordained master, teacher and highest human authority. But this authority doesn’t make him God. I worship God alone according to the 1st and 2nd Commandment and the Sh’ma Yisrael.
  • Yeshua is not the Almighty God and he is not the Creator. God alone is the Creator of the universe, as written in Isaiah chapters 43 through 46. No one else.

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Conclusion. “My Story” (My story with God)
1982 I “surrendered my life to Jesus”. In the following 30 years I read the Bible as I had been taught by Christian pastor(s). I was taught that I have to confess my sins to Jesus in a prayer … “say YES to Jesus” … “say sorry for all my sins” and – there you go: This would save me from eternal hell. This is what I believed and even what I preached on the street for many years!
2011 God led me onto a new path. He showed me (and is still showing me) His holiness from a completely new side. He showed (shows) me His heart which is the Torah. Yeshua was the “Living Torah”, he lived it 100 percent. And he taught Torah. Nothing else.
The awakening has begun and no one will be able to stop it. No one will be able to stop me.
The final restoration has begun according Acts3:21 (“The Final Restoration”)!

Last but not least: You may ask what Church I belong to today. I don’t belong to a Church anymore. I’m not a Christian anymore. I left Church in September 2014 for good.
From 2014 until 2018 I visited a Jewish Synagogue in Zurich on Shabbat, not on Sunday of course. Since I announced that I had no plans to convert (“make Giur”) to Judaism I was finally accused of “subtle prozelyting intentions” (some Community members visited my website …), these facts resulted in a withdrawal of guest rights. You can see that with my statement of belief I do obviously neither fit into a church nor a synagogue. Anyway.

When will Messiah come? He will come vey soon! It’s not my job to convince Jews that Yeshua is the Messiah. For me Yeshua IS the Messiah. The idea that Messiah will come faster when Jews would “accept” Jesus, is bogus. Messiah will come faster, when all Jews return to Torah! Go to Tel Aviv and see how many people believe in the Creator God and how many follow Torah? It’s a little percentage.  When (more) Jews return to Torah, and when Christians start believing the Torah hasn’t been “nailed to the cross by Jesus”, then time is ready for Messiah’s coming. Moshiach achshav! BS’D.

Baruch Hashem!
Talmid Thomas

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Further Pages. Recommended Websites or Pages.

Tags: Jesus, My Story with God, Statement of Faith, Torah, What I believe, Yeshua

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