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Page created: Apr. 2020
Updated: Dec. 3, 2024
Caution! These videos are for Jews and goyim (=Non-Jews) alike.
Rabbi Alon Anava Shiurim (Teachings) (e.g. on YouTube Channel “Rabbi Alon Anava”)
➔ Go to Kabbalah Glossary to look up Hebrew words you hear in the videos but you don’t understand (e.g. “Hashem” = God).
Page Content (Videos) | Seiteninhalt (Videos):
- (17-NOV-2021): What is waiting for us before the coming of Mashiach? Current events clash with biblical prophecies (3:27:55)
- (5-JAN-2021): Should you take the Corona vaccine? (2:10:58)
- (29MAR2020): Part 1: The reason the entire world is attacked by the coronavirus (1:59:29)
- (04APR2020): Part 2: The solution for Corona… What is the cause for the virus and what should we be focusing on (2:41:28)
- (27APR2020): Part 3: The final war – What has been is what will be – The fall of the new world order (2:56:56)
Older Videos:
(published 17-NOV-2021)
What is waiting for us before the coming of Mashiach? Current events clash with biblical prophecies:
Starts at 5:35 on time scale.
Watch video directly on YouTube: click here
Watch video directly on Bitchute: click here
Description copied from YouTube: Quote An in-depth lecture by Rabbi Anava about the parallel details of biblical prophecies before the coming of Mashiach and agenda 2030. For more info visit https://atzmut.com Unquote
TM: Video content: (Deutsch siehe unten)
- (0:05:35): The time preceding the arrival of the Moshiach (Messiah) | An evil regime that is currently controlling the world | The seven year roller coaster of madness (tribulation) | The great famine
- (0:24:00): The seven years before the Messiah comes: Talmud Sanhedrin, Tractate 97a
- (1:17:20): Isa. 59:15
- (1:26:00): Be truthful | What it means to be truthful | Don’t lie | Do Teshuva – Repent!
- (1:48:20): What the regime of the world tells us | The “Samech-Mem” (Satan) is telling us what he is going to do
- (1:49:15): Concentration camps are being built all over the world (see here)
- (1:53:52): The “17 Sustainable Development Goals” of the UN (United Nations) explained by Rabbi A.Anava
- (1:54:00): End Poverty = Centralize Banks, Digital One World currency, Total control of all Banks, no cash
- (1:56:48): Zero Hunger = Everything is GMO, no more natural crops
- (1:57:41): Good Health and Well-Being = Mass vaccination and “Codex alimentarius”
- (1:58:53): Quality Edcucation = UN Propaganda, Brainwashing through compulsory education
- (1:59:38): Gender Equality = Forced family planning and population control
- (2:00:17): Clean Water and Sanitation = Provision of contaminated water including rain water, privatize all water sources
- (2:04:00): Affordable and Clean Energy = “Smart Grid” and “Smart Meter”
- (2:05:22): Decent Work and Economic Growth = Trade zones by Mega Corporations, no more (family) stores
- (2:06:14): Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure = Toll roads, removal of free travel (zones)
- (2:06:43): Reduced Inequalities = Regional governments, ghettos
- (2:07:03): Sustainable Cities and Communities = Very big cities (guarded & gated), data surveillance
- (2:07:53): Responsible Consumption and Production = Population control, Chipping people, Food control
- (2:08:10): Climate Action = Carbon Taxes
- (2:08:35): Life Below Water = Control of oceans, no more trade
- (2:09:03): Life On Land = Environmental restrictions, Control of all resources, dependence on government
- (2:09:20): Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions = International courts, Control over regions, no more nations
- (2:10:13): Partnerships for the Goals = Removal of national sovereignty, world control
- (3:03:00): Isa. 30:18
- (3:12:00): Prepare to fight
TM: Video Inhalt:
- (0:05:35): Die Zeit bevor der Messias kommt | Ein teuflisches Regime kontrolliert z.Zt. die Welt | Sieben Jahre Verrücktheit (Drangsal) | Die grosse Hungersnot
- (0:24:00): Die sieben Jahre bevor der Messias kommt: Talmud Sanhedrin, Traktat 97a
- (1:17:20): Jes. 59,15
- (1:26:00): Sei wahrhaftig | Wie man wahrhaftig sein kann | Lüge nicht | Mach Teschuva – Bereue – kehre um!
- (1:48:20): Was das Weltregime uns sagt | Der “Samech-Mem” (Satan) sagt uns alles, was er tut und tun wird
- (1:49:15): Auf der ganzen Welt werden Konzentrationslager gebaut (siehe hier)
- (1:53:52): Die “17 Ziele für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Zukunft” der UNO von Rabbi A.Anava ausgelegt
- (1:54:00): Beendung der Armut = Zentralisieren der Banken, Digitale Weltwährung, Totale Kontrolle aller Banken, Abschaffung Bargeld
- (1:56:48): Null Hunger = Alles ist GMO (gen-modifiziert), kein natürliches Saatgut mehr
- (1:57:41): Gute Gesundheit und Wohlergehen = Massenimpfungen und “Codex alimentarius”
- (1:58:53): Qualitätsausbildung = UNO Propaganda, Gehirnwäsche durch obligatorische Ausbildung
- (1:59:38): Gleichstellung der Geschlechter = Erzwungene Familienplanung und Kontrolle der Weltbevölkerung
- (2:00:17): Sauberes Wasser und Sanitärversorgung = Abgabe von kontaminiertem Wasser inkl. Regenwasser, Privatisierung allen Wassers
- (2:04:00): Erschwingliche und Saubere Energie = “Smart Grid” und “Smart Meter”
- (2:05:22): Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum = Wirtschaftszonen beherrscht durch Mega Korporationen, keine Läden/Geschäfte mehr
- (2:06:14): Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur = Gebührenpflichtige Strassen, Abschaffen von freiem Reisen (Zoneneinteilungen)
- (2:06:43): Reduzierte Ungleichheiten = Regionale Regierungen, (Zuweisung in) Ghettos
- (2:07:03): Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden = Sehr grosse Städte (bewacht und eingezäunt), Datenüberwachung
- (2:07:53): Verantwortungsbewusster Konsum und Produktion = Bevölkerungskontrolle, Chippen der Menschen, Nahrungskontrolle
- (2:08:10): Klimamassnahmen = Kohlendioxidsteuern
- (2:08:35): Leben im Wasser = Kontrolle der Ozeane, kein Handel mehr
- (2:09:03): Leben auf dem Land = Umwelt-Restriktionen, Kontrolle aller Ressourcen, Abhängigkeit von der Regierung
- (2:09:20): Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen = Internationale Gerichtshöfe, Kontrolle über alle Regionen, Abschaffung der Nationen
- (2:10:13): Partnerschaften für die Ziele = Abschaffung aller Nationalen Souveränität, Weltkontrolle
- (3:03:00): Jes. 30,18
- (3:12:00): Sei bereit für den Kampf
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(published 7-JAN-2021)
Should you take the Corona vaccine? Why do so many doctors and Rabbi’s say to take it? NEW Info!:
Watch on Bitchute: click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube, but YT deleted the video: Quote Read more about mRNA Vaccines https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/…
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon https://newstarget.com/2020-12-07-mrn…
Agenda 2021 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org… Unquote
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Part 1 (published 29-MAR-2020)
The reason the entire world is attacked by the coronavirus:
Watch on YouTube: click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Quote With almost 200 countries around the world affected with the coronavirus, don’t you wonder why? what is the reason the entire world is under attack? What do we need to learn from that and is there messages from G-d we need to realize? Unquote
[TM: Video content Tags: Seven actions which will bring a plague to the world:
| Sieben Aktionen, die eine Plage (Pandemie) über die Welt bringen:]
- Slandering, gossiping (Lashon Hara – לשון הרע) | Verleumden, verlästern, klatschen, tratschen
- Bloodshed (also: insulting somebody in public) (Spechut Damim – ְׁשפִיכוּת דָּמִים) | Blutvergiessen (auch: jemanden öffentlich beleidigen, blossstellen)
- Lying (Shevu’at shav – ֶׁשבּוּעָה שָׁוְא) | Lügen
- Incest (also: moral & sexual misbehaviour) (Giluy arayot – גִּלּוּי עֲרָיוֹת) | Inzest
- Arrogance, Ego (Gassut Ruach – גאסוט רוּחַ) | Arroganz, Ego
- Robbery (Gezel – גזל) | Diebstahl
- Envy (Zarut Ayin – זרות עין) | Neid
We all need to test ourselves on these seven actions and do Tshuva (repent)!
| Wir müssen alle Busse tun (Teschuva) über diese sieben Punkte!
ערכין ט״ז א:ה׳
א”ר שמואל בר נחמני א”ר יוחנן על שבעה דברים נגעים באין על לשון הרע ועל שפיכות דמים ועל שבועת שוא ועל גילוי עריות ועל גסות הרוח ועל הגזל ועל צרות העין
§ Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: Leprous marks come and afflict a person for seven sinful matters: For malicious speech, for bloodshed, for an oath taken in vain, for forbidden sexual relations, for arrogance, for theft, and for stinginess.
Arakhin 16a:5
אַתָּה֙ הָרְאֵ֣תָ לָדַ֔עַת כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה ה֣וּא הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ין ע֖וֹד מִלְבַדּֽוֹ׃
It has been clearly demonstrated to you that the LORD alone is God; there is none beside Him (Ein Od Milvado).
וְחָרָ֨ה אַף־יְהוָ֜ה בָּכֶ֗ם וְעָצַ֤ר אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֙יִם֙ וְלֹֽא־יִהְיֶ֣ה מָטָ֔ר וְהָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה לֹ֥א תִתֵּ֖ן אֶת־יְבוּלָ֑הּ וַאֲבַדְתֶּ֣ם מְהֵרָ֗ה מֵעַל֙ הָאָ֣רֶץ הַטֹּבָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה נֹתֵ֥ן לָכֶֽם׃
For the LORD’s anger will flare up against you, and He will shut up the skies so that there will be no rain and the ground will not yield its produce; and you will soon perish from the good land that the LORD is assigning to you.
Click Sefaria.org link here for many more footnotes from this lecture.
Part 2 (published 4-APR-2020)
The solution for Corona… What is the cause for the virus and what should we be focusing on:
Watch on YouTube: click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Quote While the entire world is ‘under attack’ by the Corona Virus… Is the virus really the problem? are we over reacting? are we focusing on the the REAL problem or are we fooled… Don’t be fooled! And remember: Truth can only be seen by others with truth within them! He who does not have truth in his heart will always be blind to truth! Unquote
[TM: Video content Tags: Introduction | The seven actions which will bring a plague to the world | The meaning of Corona and its Gematria value | R.Anava’s near death experience | Fighting Amalek (what does it mean for us?) | Mashiach will kill Amalek | Ein od milvado | “Guard your eyes and mouth – close the gates!”
Scriptures: Dtn.25:17-18, Dtn.11,16-17, Ex.20:5, Dtn.4:35]
| Einführung | Die sieben Aktionen, die eine Pandemie über die Welt bringen | Die Bedeutung von Corona und ihr Wert nach der Gematria | R.Anava’s Nahtoderlebnis | Amalek bekämpfen (was bedeutet das für uns?) | Der Messias wird Amalek töten | Ein od milvado (es gibt keine andere Macht als ER – Gott) | “Behüte deine Augen und deinen Mund – schliesse die Tore!”
Bibelstellen: 5.Mo.25,17-18, 5.Mo.11,16-17, 2.Mo.20,5, 5.Mo.4,35
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Part 3 (published 27-APR-2020)
The final war – What has been is what will be – The fall of the new world order:
Watch on YouTube: click here ↗
Description copied from YouTube: Quote With no doubt we are heading towards the redemption. But on the way there will be a force, an evil power that will do anything to stop it… You need to WAKE UP and recognize who we are dealing with and what is their agenda!
“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun…” – Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 1/9 Unquote
[TM: Video content Tags: The Crash of the Economy, Paras falling in the hand of Romi, Sunnim (Yishmael) vs Shiim (Amalek), The Roman Empire, The Vatican – “home” of Lucifer, the (current) Pope, worshipping Satan, Nimrod, Pharao and Freemasonry, The Extraterrestrial World with its advanced Technology, The deadly military Weapon 5G, 5G SMART Cities, S-M-A-R-T Cities, www.id2020.org, Starlink by Space X, Bill Gates and the Illuminati, The Chip, The RFID Chip, Forced Vaccination, Malchut HaRisha – the Kingdom of evil: The NWO (New World Organization) with the U.N. (United Nations), NWO, Bnei Brak, Mea Shearim, Steps to Take, Unity, Serve God with Simcha, Learn Zohar, Learn Mishna, Learn Oral Torah, Cut yourself off the Sheep Mentality , Actions to take: Teshuva (Repentance) for your actions!]
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