Page revised: Nov. 1, 2023
The following words are terms and definitions often used in the Kabbalah (and the Torah/Talmud). See e.g. teachings by Rabbi Mendel Kessin on, but also many other Jewish Rabbis on or other websites.
Please note that I, the author of this website, consider Yeshua of Nazareth to be the Messiah but not “God in the flesh” or “God the Son” which is a doctrine of the the pagan Christian Trinity.
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Page content:
- Glossary, Terms & Definitions
- US/Ashkenaz Vernacular Pronounciations by R.Mendel Kessin
- Scriptures frequently mentioned by R.Kessin
- Chabad Glossary
1. Glossary, Terms & Definitions
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- ABYA (אבי”ע) – Atzilus, Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiah – Initials of 4 worlds (Olam HaBa not included). More about ABYA. | Initialen der vier Welten
- Achdut ( אַחְדוּת) – Unity | Einheit
- Adam HaRishon (אָָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן) – Adam, the First Man (Read more) | Adam, der erste Mensch
- Akiva Judaism ( יַהֲדוּת עֲקִיבָא ) Orthodox Judaism or Rabbinical Judaism vs Yeshua Judaism – Akiva Judaism advances elitism, exclusion, and rabbinic authoritarianism, while Yeshua Judaism advances equality, inclusion, and brotherhood. (Read more) | Akiva (Rabbi Akiba) Judentum oder auch Orthodoxes bzw. Rabbinisches Judentum vs. Jeschua-Judentum – Akiva Judentum fördert Elitedenken, Ausgrenzung und rabbinischen Autoritarismus, während Jeschua-Judentum Gleichheit, Miteinbezug und Brüderlichkeit fördert.
- Atchalta (As’chalta) DeGeulah (אתחלתא דגאולה) – The Beginning of the Redemption (in the Messianic Process)
«Act #3, Scene #2 of the Messianic Era», in which we are now! (Read more) | Der Anfang der Erlösung (im Messianischen Prozess) - Avera (Aveira) (עבירה) – Transgression / Sin against God (Read more) | Übertretung / Sünde gegenüber Gott
- Avoda Zarah (עבודה זרה) – “foreign worship”, meaning “idolatry” or “strange worship” (Read more) | Götzendienst
- Baal teshuva (בעל תשובה) – lit. “A master of teshuva or repentance” – A Jew who returns to Jewish observance and study. (Teshuva means to return) (See more) | Eine (jüdische) Person, die aufrichtig Busse tut und zur Tora zurückkehrt
- Baruch HaShem (בָּרוּךְ הַשֵּׁם) – “Blessed be the name of the LORD” (Read more) | ’Gelobt sei der Name des HERRN’
- Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuto leOlam Va’ed (בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד) – “Blessed be the name of (the LORD) His glorious kingdom for ever and ever” (Read more) | ’Gelobt sei der Name des HERRN (und) Seinem Königreich für immer und ewig’
- Bechira (Bechiro) (בחירה) – Choice, Free Will (Read more) | Freier Wille
- Beit HaMikdash (בית המקדש) – Temple (Read more) | Tempel
- Be’itah (or Be’ito) (בעיתו) – In its Season, in its time (Read more) | Zur gesetzten Zeit
- Be’itah (or Be’ito) Achishena (בעיתו אחישנה) – Accelerated time (Read more) – see also Isaiah 60:22 | Zur beschleunigten Zeit – siehe auch Jes. 60,22
- Besrad Hashem (בס״ד) – With the Help of G-d | Mit Gottes Hilfe
- Binah (בִּינָה) – Literally: understanding (one of the Sefirot) (Read more) | Wörtlich: Verständnis (eine der Sefirot)
- Birkat Haminim ( בִּרְכַּת הַמִּינִים) – «Against Heretics» – really?! It’s a Jewish curse against followers of Yeshua and others hated by Akiva-Judaism that is found within the Amidah (Read more)
More about the Birkat Haminim at the bottom of this page | «Gebet gegen Ketzer» – Deutsche Übersetzung folgt - Bitachon (בטחון) – Confidence, Trust in God (Read more) | Zuversicht, Gottvertrauen
- Bittul (בִּטּוּל) – Self-Nullification (Read more) | Selbstaufgabe, Selbstverneinung
- B’nei (בני) – Sons | Söhne
- B’nei Noach (בני נח) – The Sons of Noach (Noah) (Read more) | Kinder (Söhne) Noachs
- Borei Olam (בורא עולם) – The Creator of the World – a reference to God | Der Schöpfer
- Bracha (or Berakhah) (בְּרָכָה) – Blessing (See more) | Segen
- Briah (בריה) – Creation (Read more) | Schöpfung
- Brit (בְּרִית) – Covenant, also Circumcision (Read more) | Bund (auch Beschneidung)
- Brit Milah (ברית מילה) – “Covenant of Circumcision”, Jewish religious male circumcision (Read more) | Bund der Beschneidung
- Chas v’Shalom (חס ושלום) – God forbid! (Heaven forbid!) | Gott behüte («nur das nicht!»)
- Chet (חט) – Sin (Read more) | Sünde
- Chet HaEgel (העגל ח ) – The Sin of the Golden Calf | Die Sünde mit dem Goldenen Kalb
- Chazal (חז”ל) – Sage(s) “of blessed memory” (Read more) | Weise (seligen Andenkens)
- Chesed (חסד) – Loving-Kindness (Read more) | Güte
- Cheshbon (Nefesh) (חֶשְׁבּוֹן) – Calculation (Read more) | Kalkulation, Rechnung
- Chevlei Moshiach (___) – Birth Pangs of Messiah | Die Geburtswehen Messias’
- Chillul HaShem (חילול השם) – Desecration of the name of God (Read more) | Entwürdigung des Namens Gottes
- Chizuk (חיזוק) – Inspiration, Encouragement (Read more) | Inspiration, Ermutigung
- Chochmah (or Chokhmah) (חכמה) – Wisdom (Read more) | Weisheit
- Choshech (חושך) – Darkness | Dunkelheit
- Chukat (Chukas) (חֻקַּת) – Decree (Read more) | (Göttliche) Anordnung
- D’Rabbanan (דרבנן) – A law is de’oraita (Aramaic: דאורייתא, “of the Torah,” i.e. scriptural) if it was given with the written Torah. A law is derabbanan (Aramaic: דרבנן, “of our rabbis,” Rabbinic) if it is ordained by the rabbinical sages. The concepts of de’oraita and derabbanan are used extensively in Jewish law. (See more) | Ein von Rabbinern ordiniertes Gesetz.
- Da’at (Da’as) (דעת) – Knowledge (of God) (Read more) | Kenntnis Gottes
- Deber (Dever) (דֶּבֶר) – Pestilence, Epidemic, Pandemic, such as Coronavirus or COVID-19 | Pest, Epidemie, Pandemie, so wie z.B. Coronavirus oder COVID-19
- Devekut (deveikuth or dvekus) (דבקות) – dedication, cleaving, traditionally “clinging on” to God) (State of being bonded) (Read more) | Hingabe, traditionell « sich an Gott hängen »
- Din (דין) – Justice | Gerechtigkeit
- Echad (אחד) – One – Unique (see also Elohim Echad) | Eins – Einheit (siehe auch Elohim Echad).
- Edom (אֱדוֹם) – The descendants of Esau, a Synonym for Christianity (Read more) | Die Nachkommen Esau’s, ein Synonym / Sinnbild für das Christentum
- Ein Od Milvado (אֵ֥ין ע֖וֹד מִלְבַדּֽוֹ) – “There is none but God” (Read more) | Es gibt keine andere Kraft/Macht
- Ein Sof (אין סוף) – unending, infinite | Ohne Ende
- Elohim Echad (אֱלֹהִים אחד) – The LORD is One (His absolute Oneness, Uniqueness) | Gott ist Einer (Seine absolute Einheit), im Gegensatz zur Christlichen Irrlehre der Trinität)
- Emet (Emes) (אמת) – Truth | Wahrheit
- Emunah (אמונה) – Faith | Glaube(n)
- Erev rav (ערב רב) – Mixed Multitude, also a Synonym for the Secular Jewish Nation and Israeli Government who want to destroy Torah | Synonym für die säkkulare Jüdische Nation sowie die Israelische Regierung, welche die Tora zerstören wollen
- Eretz Yisrael (אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל) – The Land of Israel (Read more) | Land Israel
- Etz Chaim (עץ חיים) – Tree of Life (Read more) | Baum des Lebens
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- Gaavah (גַּאֲוָה) – Arrogance | Arroganz
- Galut (Galus) (גלות) – Exile, Diaspora (Read more) | Exil, Diaspora
- Gan Eden (גַּן־עֵדֶן) – Garden of Eden, Paradise. The place where the soul goes after death, unless it first goes to Gehinnom for purification (Read more) | Garten Eden, Paradies. Der Ort, wohin die Seele nach dem Tod geht, es sei denn, sie gehe zuvor in den Gehinnom zur Läuterung
- Gashmiut (Gashmius) (גשמיות) – Physicality (state of being) | Physikalität
- Gassut Ruach (גאסוט רוּחַ) – Arrogance, Ego | Arroganz, Ego
- Gehinnom (גהנם) – Purgatory, Hell – a temporary location where the soul goes for purification after death. Also a small valley in Jerusalem | Fegefeuer, Hölle – ein temporärer Ort, an welchen die Seele nach dem Tod zur Läuterung geht. Auch ein kleines Tal in Jerusalem
- Gemara (גמרא) – the component of the Talmud comprising rabbinical analysis of and commentary on the Mishnah | eine Komponente des Talmud, bestehend aus Rabbinischen Analysen und Kommentaren über die Mischna
- Ger Shearecha (גֵֽרְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בִּשְׁעָרֶ֑יךָ) – Stranger in your Gates – Goy, who wants to study Torah without converting to Judaism (Read more)
[This is me, Thomas :-)] | ’Fremdling in deinen Toren’, ein Goy, welcher Tora studieren will ohne zum Judentum zu konvertieren [Das bin ich, Thomas :-)] - Ger Toshav (גר תושב) – Stranger, Foreigner, Alien, a righteous gentile (Read more) | ’Fremdling’, ein gerechter Goy
- Geshem (גֶּ֫שֶׁם) – Material or physicality (noun) / Rain | Materialismus oder Physikalität / Regen
- Geulah (גְּאֻלָּה) – Redemption | Erlösung
- Gevurah (גבורה) – Literally: strength. One of the Sefiros | Wörtlich: Kraft. Eine der Sefirot
- Gezerah (גְּזֵרָה) – Decree | Verordnung, Erlass
- Gilgul (גלגול) – Cycle, Reincarnation | Zyklus, Reinkarnation
- Giluy arayot (שגִּלּוּי עֲרָיוֹת) – Incest | Inzest
- Goy (Goyim [pl]) (גוי) – Gentile, Non-Jew | Heide, Nicht-Jude
- Guf (גוּף) – Physical Body | Physischer Körper
- Hachana (הֲכָנָה) – Preparation | Zubereitung
- HaKadosh Baruch hu (הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא) – The Holy One (God), blessed be He (Read more) | Der Heilige, gelobt sei Er (Gott)
- Halacha (Halakha) (הֲלָכָה) – the collective body of Jewish religious laws derived from the Written and Oral Torah | Jüdische Gesetze basierend auf Schriftlicher und Mündlicher Tora
- Hamas (חָמָס) – Violence, Chaos, Palestinian Terror Organisation | Gewalt, Chaos, Palästinensische Terror Organisation
- Hanhaga (הֲדַסָּה) – The Divine Government, Guidance (Read more) | Göttliche Führung
- Hanhagat (Hanhagas) HaMishpat (הנהגת המשפט) – Hanhaga by Law – God wants man to achieve his objective through his own efforts, through hanhagas ha’mishpat | Hanhaga durch göttliche Gebote/Gesetze
- Hanhagat (Hanhagas) HaYichud (הנהגת היחוד) – Hanhagas ha’yichud means that Hashem wants man to merit the World to Come, and in order to do it there’s a certain amount of free will that’s necessary | Die (von Gott) verborgene Hanhaga
- HaOrah (_) – Enlightenment, divine energy | Erleuchtung, Göttliche Energie
- HaShem (יהוה) – YHVH – « The Name » (Tetragrammaton) – G-d – (Read more) | Gottes Name, aus Ehrfurcht nie als Tetragrammaton ausgesprochen – G-tt
- Hashgacha (השגחה) – Supervision, Divine Prodivence (Read more) | Göttliche Versorgung
- Hashkafa (השקפה) – Worldview, ‘Outlook’ (Read more) | Sicht der Welt, Ausblick
- Hatava (הַתַּאֲוָה) – G-d’s Beneficience towards man. G-d had to create a situation where the soul will get His hatava, and He had to create another situation prior to that for the soul to earn what it would receive later on. We earn in this world for the hatava, the World to Come. (Read more) (see also Bread of Shame) | (Gottes) Wohltätigkeit, die der Mensch in der kommenden Welt erhalten wird.
- Hester (הסטר) – Concealment of God | Verschleierung / Verminderung von Gottes Licht bzw. Erkenntnis
- Hester Panim (הֶסְתֵר פָּנִים) – Hiding of God’s Face (Read more) | ‘Rückzug’ von Gottes Angesicht
- Ikvita deMeshicha (Ikvisa deMeshicha)(_) – «In the Footsteps of Messiah», «the Heels of the Moshiach», or «The Pangs of the Messiah» (Chevley Mashiach),
«Act #3, Scene #1 of the Messianic Era» | ‘In den Spuren des Messias’
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- Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה) – the received wisdom, the native theology and cosmology of Judaism | Die erhaltene / gegebene Weisheit, die mythologische Seite der Tora
- Kadosh (קדוש) – Holy, Set Apart, Sacred (Read more) | heilig, abgesondert, auserwählt
- Kapparah (כַּפָּרָה ) – Atonement | Sühne, Wiedergutmachung
- Kavanah (כַּוָּנָה) – “Intention” or “sincere feeling, direction of the heart” | Absicht, Herzensrichtung
- Kavod Hashem (קוווד הַשֵּׁם) – Glory, all Honour to God | Die Ehre gehört Gott
- Kedusha (קְדוּשָׁה) – Holiness, Energy, Force | Heiligkeit, Energie, Kraft/Macht
- Keter (כֶּתֶר) – Crown | Krone, eine der Sefirot
- Ketz HaYemin (קֵץ הימין) – End of Exile (and Suffering) (Read more) | Das Ende des Exils (und Leidens)
- Kibbutz Galuyot (קיבוץ גלויות) – Ingathering of Exiles (Read more) | Rückführung (der Israelischen Stämme) aus dem Exil
- Kitrug (קיטרוג) – an accusatory voice in the Heavenly Court | eine anklagende Stimme vor dem Himmelsgericht
- Kiddush HaShem (קידוש השם) – Sanctification of God’s Name | Heiligung des Namens Gottes
- Klal Yisrael (כלל ישראל) – Synonym for the Jewish People (JPS) | Synonym für das Jüdische Volk als Einheit
- Klippah (Klippot [pl]) (קליפה) – literally: Shell, ‘Husk’. Used to refer to some of the forces of evil | Wörtlich: Hülle. Verwendet, um auf einige Kräfte/Mächte des Bösen hinzudeuten
- Kochot (כוחות) (Kochos) – Powers | Kräfte
- Kochot HaNefesh (כוחות הנפש) (Kochos HaNefesh) – Powers of the Soul (Read more) | Kräfte/Mächte der Seele
- Lashon hara (הלשון הרע) – Evil Tongue (not only speaking, but also listening) (See more) | Üble Rede (nicht nur sprechen, sondern auch hören)
- Ma’asim (מַעֲשִׂים) – Works, Deeds, Actions, sometimes even regarded more important or higher than God’s Word (see also Takkanot) | Werke, Taten, Aktionen (siehe auch Takkanot), manchmal als wichtiger angesehen als Gottes Wort
- Mabul (מבול) – The Flood | Sintflut
- Madrega (מַדְרֵגָה) – Level / Stair | Stufe
- Magid (מַגִּיד) – Communication with God (Read more) | Kommunikation mit Gott
- Makka (מכה) (Makkos or Makkot [pl.] – Plague (the 10 plagues in Egypt) | Plage (die Zehn Plagen in Ägypten)
- Malach (מלאך) (Malachim [pl]) – Angel (Read more) | Engel
- Malchut (Malkuth) (מלכות) [ /mɑːlˈkuːθ/] – Kingdom (one of the Sefirot) (Read more) | Königreich
- Malchut HaRisha (Malchus HaRisha) (___) – The Kingdom of Evil (NWO, Microsoft, U.N.) | Das Königreich des Bösen
- Mashiach (Moshiach) (מָשִׁ֫יחַ) – Messiah (Messiah Ben Yosef [MBY], Messiah Ben David [MBD] | Messias
- Masorah (Mesora) (מסורה) (Mesorah) – the Transmission of Jewish religious tradition (Read more) | Überlieferung von Jüdisch religiösen Traditionen
- Matan Torah (מַתַּן תּוֹרָה) – The receiving of the Torah at Har (Mount) Sinai | Das Empfangen der Tora am Berg Sinai
- Megillah (מגילה) – Scroll (also Revelation) [Megillat Esther – the Book of Esther/Purim] (See more) | Rolle (auch Offenbarung)
- Mekatreg (מֵקָטֲרֵג) – Prosecute, Accuse | bestrafen, verfolgen
- Melech (Melachim [pl]) (מֶלֶךְ) – King | König
- Mesaken (מסכן) – The Act of Repair, rectify | Der Akt / Die Tat der Reparatur / Korrektur
- Middah (מידה) (Middot [Pl.]) – Measure, also personal characteristics, traits | Mass, auch pers. Charakteristiken, Tugenden
- Middah Keneged Middah (מידה כנגד מידה) – Measure for Measure (Read more) | Mass für Mass
- Midat (Midas) [Hadin] (מידת) – the attribute of judgment | Das Attribut des Urteils
- Midrash (Midrashim [pl]) (מדרשׁ) – the genre of rabbinic literature which contains early interpretations and commentaries on the Written Torah and Oral Torah| Midrasch, die Auslegung religöser Texte im rabbinischen Judentum
- Mikveh (Mikvah) (מִקְוֶה) – a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism | Mikwe, bezeichnet im Judentum das Tauchbad, dessen Wasser nicht der Hygiene, sondern der Reinigung von ritueller Unreinheit durch rituelles Untertauchen dient
- Minhag (מנהג) – Custom, Jewish Tradition (Read more) | Brauch, Jüdische Tradition
- Minyan (מניין) – Quorum of ten Jewish adults (Read more) | Quorum von 10 Jüdischen Erwachsenen
- Mirmah (מִרְמָה) – Fraud, Deception | Betrug, Irreführung
- Mishkan (משכן) – Tabernacle (Read more) | Stiftshütte
- Mishpat (משפט) – Judgment | Urteil, Gericht
- Mitzvah (Mitzvot [pl]) (מִצְוָה) – Commandment(s) from G-d (613 in total) | Gebot (Total 613)
- Mizraim (Mirzraym) (מִצְרַיִם) – Egypt (Read more) | Ägypten
- Nahamah d’kissufa (נַהֲמָה דְּכִסּוּפָא) – The Bread Of Shame – (Source: We see that the world is filled with pain and suffering. Why? What purpose does it serve? Nahama d’kisufa, bread of shame, is that the soul was constructed in such a way that it cannot just take and take. A person who has not in some way earned that which he has received, feels a lack of pride and respect. The soul also was created so that it would not be able to take without earning. G-d had to create a situation where the soul will get His hatava (see HaTava), and He had to create another situation prior to that for the soul to earn what it would receive later on. We earn in this world for the hatava, the World to Come.. (Read also more) | Brot der Schande
- Navi (נָבִיא) – Prophet | Prophet
- Nes (Nessim [pl]) (נוס) – Miracle, Wonder (Nes nigla = obvious miracle / Nes nistar = hidden miracle) | (Göttliches) Wunder
- Neshama (נשמה) – Soul or Spirit (Read more) | Neschama, Atem, Hauch, Seele
- Netzach (נצח) – Eternity | Ewigkeit
- Niddah (נִדָּה) – a woman during menstruation | Frau während der Menstruation bzw. Abgrenzung. Damit ist die Abgrenzung von rituell Unreinem und Reinem gemeint.
- Nitzotot Kedusha (ניצוצות קְדֻשָּׁה) – Sparks of Holiness (Read more) | Funken der Heiligkeit
- Olam HaBah (עוֹלָם הַבָּא) – The Future World, The World to Come (Read more) | Die kommende Welt
- Olam HaZeh (עולם הזה) – This World (Read more) | Diese Welt (hier auf Erden)
- Or (אוֹר) – Light | Licht (Licht Gottes, Licht des Messias)
- Oynesh (עֲנִישָׁה) – Cut off from God, Punishment | Bestrafung, Strafe (von Gottes Licht abgeschnitten)
- Pakod pakadti (פקוד פקדתי) – God says: I have surely remembered – Exodus from Egypt (Shemot 3:16 / Shmot Rabba 3:8) | Gott sagt: Ich habe mich sicher erinnert – Auszug aus Aegypten
- Parnassah (פרנסה) – Livelihood, Income, Sustenance (Read more) | Einkommen, Lebensunterhalt
- Parashah (פָּרָשָׁה) – Weekly Torah Portion (Read more) | Wöchentliche Toralesung
- Pasuk (Psukim [pl]) (פסוק) – A biblical verse | Bibelvers
- Pilpul (פלפול) – meaning ‘Sharp Analysis’ – a method of Talmudic problem solving by bringing ideas & opinions from other locations in the Talmud (Read more) | (von hebräisch Pilpel, Pfeffer bzw. Pfefferung) bezeichnet Methoden des Talmudstudiums / Genaueste Untersuchung
- Pituy (פִּיתּוּי) – Temptation | Versuchung
- Pnimiyut (Pnimiyus) HaTorah (פנימיות) – The innermost, mystical dimension of the Torah (Read more) | Die innerste, mystische Dimension der Tora
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- ra she’b’Esav (___) – The bad part (side) of Esav | Die schlechte Seite Esav’s
- Rachamim (רחמים) – Compassion | Barmherzigkeit
- Ribono Shel Olam (ריבונו של עולם) – Master of the Universe | Herrscher des Universums
- Ruach (רוּחַ) – Spirit, Wind | Geist, Wind
- Ruchniut (Ruchnius) (רוחניות) – Spirituality | Spiritualität
- Samech Mem (סמך מ) – Satan – See Satan | Satan – Siehe Satan
- Satan (השטן) [satán] – The Adversary, an Angel who wants to destroy us, also called « Yetzer HaRa » (Read more) | Satan, der Teufel, der Ankläger oder Widersacher, auch Yetzer HaRa genannt = der böse Trieb in jedem Menschen
- Sefira (סְפִירָה) – (See also Sefirot) Devine Illumination, Energy, Output | Göttliche Energie
- Sefirot (סְפִירוֹת) [səphîrôṯ] – meaning emanations, the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah (Read more)[FN2] quoteThe 10 Sefirot are the building blocks of creation. They are the instrumentation the Creator used to create all reality. A human being is a visible representation of the sefirot.
The intellectual sefirot are keter ( crown ), chochma ( wisdom ) and binah ( understanding ).
The emotional sefirot are chesed ( loving kindness ), gevurah ( strength ), tiferet ( beauty and its inner dimension of compassion ), netzach ( victory ), hod ( glory ), yesod ( foundation with its inner dimension of truth ) and malkuth/ shekhinah ( kingdom ).
(The hidden inner dimension of the Torah).unquote [FN2] | Sefirot - Shaliach (or Shaliakh) (שליח) – a Jewish legal emissary or agent (of God). Accordingly, a shaliaḥ performs an act of legal significance for the benefit of the sender (Read more) | Ein von Gott gesandter mit einem spezifischen Auftrag
- Shekhinah (שכינה) [sh’chiná] – God’s Presence | Gegenwart Gottes
- Sheffa (שפע) – Flow | Fluss, Strom
- Shelosh-Esreh Middot HaRakhamim (שָׁלוֹשׁ עֶשְׂרֵה מִידוֹת הרַחֲמִים) – The Thirteen Attributes of G-d’s Mercy (Read more) | Die dreizehn Attribute der Güte Gottes
- Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noach (שבע מצוות בני נח) – The Seven Laws of Noah – a Rabbinic invention to discourage Goyim from following Torah? ChasVeShalom! (Read more) | Die Sieben Gesetze von Noah – eine Rabbinische Erfindung zur Entmutigung von Goyim, die Torah zu befolgen? ChasVeShalom!
- Shevu’at shav (שֶׁבּוּעָה שָׁוְא) – Empty Oath, Lie | Falscher Schwur, Lüge
- Shiloosh (שילוש) – Trinity, the Pagan Christian Dogma of Three Gods in One (‘God in the Flesh’) | Trinität, Dreieinigkeit, die heidenchristliche Irrlehre der Trinität (‘Gott im Fleisch’)
- Shiur (Shiurim [pl]) (שיעור) – a lesson on any Torah topic, such as Gemara, Mishnah, Halakha, Tanakh, etc. | Lehrstunde
- Shleimut (שְׁלֵמוּת) (Shleimus) – Wholeness, Completness, Healing, Perfection | Ganzheit, Volkommenheit, Heilung, Perfektion
- Shmirat HaLashon (Shmiras HaLoshon) (שמירת הלשון) – Guarding your speech, Ethical work discussing the severity of lashon hara (gossip and other forms of forbidden speech) | Hüte deine Rede, Ethische Arbeit zur Erörterung der Schwere von lashon hara (Klatsch und andere Formen verbotener Rede)
- Simchat Torah (שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה) – The last holiday of Sukkoth | Der letzte Feiertag von Sukkot
- Sina (שנאה) – Hatred | Hass
- Sinat Chinam (שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם) – Baseless Hatred, Reason for the destruction of the Second Temple (Read more) | Grundloser Hass (der zur Zerstörung des Zweiten Tempels führte)
- Sitra achra (סטרא אחרא) – «The other Side», The Realm of Evil (Read more) | ’Die andere Seite’, ‘Der Bereich des Bösen’
- Sohar (זֹהַר) – Splendor or Radiance – the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah | Sohar, das Hauptwerk der jüdischen Kabbala
- Spechut Damim (שְׁפִיכוּת דָּמִים) – Bloodshed, also insulting somebody in public | Blutvergiessen, auch jemanden öffentlich bloss stellen, beleidigen
- Taavah (תאווה) – Lust/Urge | Lust, Trieb
- Tahara (טהרה) – the state of being ritually “pure” (Read more) | Status ritueller Reinheit
- Takkanah (תקנה) (Takkanot [Pl.] – An enactment which revises an ordinance that no longer satisfies the requirements of the times or circumstances, or which, being deduced from a Biblical passage, may be regarded as new. (See more) (Yeshua rebuked the takkanot – i.e. man made laws – and the rabbinic authoritarianism.) | Wichtige Gesetzesverordnung innerhalb von Halakha (jüdisches Gesetz), dem normativen System der Gesetze des Judentums . Eine Takkanah ist eine Verordnung, die eine Verordnung revidiert, die nicht mehr den Anforderungen der Zeit oder der Umstände entspricht oder die aus einer Bibelstelle abgeleitet als neu angesehen werden kann. Es ist daher das Gegenteil der Gezerah. (Jeschua tadelte die Takkanot – d.h. die von Menschen gemachten Gesetze) und den Rabbinischen Autoritarismus.)
- Talmud (תַּלְמוּד ) – the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology. | der zentrale Text des rabbinischen Judentums und die Hauptquelle des jüdischen Religionsgesetzes und der jüdischen Theologie.
- Tanakh (תָּנָ״ךְ ) – The Hebrew Bible, called “Old Testament” by Christianity | Die Hebräische Bibel, vom Christentum “Altes Testament” genannt
- Techiyat HaMetim (תחיית המתים) (Techiyas HaMetim) – Resurrection of the Dead, the day when the Neshama will be reunited with the Guf (Read more) | Auferstehung der Toten, der Tag an welchem die Neshama mit dem Guf wiedervereinigt wird
- Tefilah (תְּפִלָּה) – Prayer | Gebet
- Terumah (T’rumah) (תְּרוּמָה) – Gift, Offering | Die Gabe des Schenkens
- Teshuva (Tshuva) (תשובה) – Repentance, literally, ‘return to God’ (Read more) | Der Akt der Busse / Reue
- Tiferet (Tiferes) (תִּפְאֶרֶת) [tifˈʔeʁeθ] – Adornment (Read more) | Schmuck, Zierde
- Tikkun (Tikun) (תיקון) – Fixing, Rectification | Akt der Wiederherstellung, Korrektur
- Torah (תּוֹרָה) – The Five Books of Moses | Die Fünf Bücher Mose
- tov she’b’Esav (ת___) – The good part (side) of Esav | Die gute Seite Esav’s
- Tumah (טומאה) – the state of being ritually “impure” (Read more) | Status ritueller Unreinheit
- Tzaddik (Tzaddikim [pl]) (צדיק) [tsadɪk] – A Righteous Person (Read more) | Ein Gerechter (so wie Noah, Mose, Yeschua, u.v.a.m.)
- Tzedakah (צדקה) (Tz’dakah)- Charity (Read more) | Wohltätigkeit
- Tzimtzum (Tsimtsum) (צמצום) – Retraction (Read more) | Rücknahme, Rückzug
- Viduy (וִדּוּי) – Confession (of sins) | (Sünden) bekennen
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- Ya’avor (יַעֲבוֹר) – Fear of God | Gottesfurcht
- Yam Suf (יַם־סוּף) – Sea of Reeds | Das Schilfmeer
- Yahrzeit (יארצייט) – anniversary of death (Read more) | Todestag (Im Gedenken des Todestages an jemanden)
- Yamot HaMashiach (Yamos HaMaschiach)(_) – «The Days of Messiah»
«Act #3, Scene #3 of the Messianic Era», i.e. the Seventh Millenium | ‘In den Tagen des Messias’ - Yechidah (יְחִידַי) – The highest form of the Soul (Read more)
I [Thomas] believe that it was given to Yeshua HaMashiach [aka Jesus Christ] by God upon his Mikveh (baptism) at the Jordan River | Die höchste Form (Stufe) der Seele
Ich [Thomas] glaube, dass Jeschua HaMaschiach, auch bekannt unter «Jesus Christus» anlässlich seiner Mikwe (Taufe) im Jordan von Gott die Yechida erhielt - Yeshua (ישוע) – created, chosen, and resurrected by the ONE and ONLY God, perfected through his unmatched achievement of complete devotion and obedience to his and our God (John 17:3). Having come as Messiah ben Yosef (the suffering, purifying servant) and to return as Messiah ben David (the triumphant king) – the fully righteous tzaddik and redeemer of Israel (the ONE combined people), earthly king and the ultimate master teacher of the ONE God’s eternal Torah (Source: Torah of
I [Thomas] believe that Yeshua is the Messiah (Moshiach), who atoned not only for the sins of all Jews (read Derech Hashem), but also for the gentiles, who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Yeschua, erschaffen, auserwählt und auferweckt durch den EINEN und EINZIGEN Gott, vervollkommnet durch dessen unvergleichlichen Erreichens kompletter Hingabe und Gehorsam seinem und unserem Gott (Joh.17,3) gegenüber. [Yeschua] kam als Messias Ben Yosef (der leidende, reinigende [sühnende] Knecht), als Messias Ben David (der triumphierende König) [zurück-]kommend – der völlig gerechte Tzaddik und Erlöser von Israel (das EINE zusammengeführte Volk), irdischer König und ultimativer Meister-Lehrer der Tora des EINZIGEN ewigen Gottes (Quelle: Torah of
Ich [Thomas] glaube, dass Jeschua der Messias ist, welcher nicht nur für die Sünden der Juden gesühnt hat, sondern auch für die Sünden der Heiden, die an den Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakob glauben. - Yeshua Judaism (יַהֲדוּת ישוע) vs Akiva Judaism – Yeshua Judaism advances equality, inclusion, and brotherhood. (Read more) | Yeshua (Jesus) Judentum – dieses fördert (im Gegensatz zum “Akiva Judentum”) Gleichheit, Miteinbezug und Brüderlichkeit
- Yesod (יסוד) – Foundation (Read more). One of the Ten Sefirot | Fundament
- Yesurin (יסורין) – Suffering, Affliction (Four ways of redemption: Mitzvot, Teshuva, Yesurin, -> Moshiach!) | Leiden (4 Arten der Erlösung : Mitzvot, Teschuva, Yesurin, -> Messias!
- Yetzer HaRa (יֵצֶר הַרַע) – Bad Inclination (Evil Urge) | Der böse Trieb
- Yetzer HaTov (יֵצֶר טוֹב) – Good Inclination (Good Urge) | Der gute Trieb
- Yetziat Mizraim (_) – Yisrael’s Exodus from Egypt | Exodus aus Ägypten
- YHVH (YeHoVah) (יְהוָֹה) – The Tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/) or Tetragram (from Greek τετραγράμματον, meaning “[consisting of] four letters”) is the four-letter Hebrew word יהוה (transliterated as YHVH) (See more) | Gottes wahrer Name JeHoVah
- Yichud (ייחוד) – Unification, Unity, Absolute Oneness (Read more) | Vereinigung, Einheit
- Yichus (יִחוּס) – Family Tree, Genealogy (Read more) | Familienbaum, Genealogie
- Yirat HaShem (_) – Fear of God | Gottesfurcht
- Yirat Shamayim (___) – Fear of Heaven, Fear of God | Gottesfurcht
- Yishmael (ישמעאל) – Yishmael – (The descendants of) Ismael, a Synonym for Islam | Ismael (und seine Nachkommen), ein Synonym / Sinnbild des Islams
- Yom HaShem (Yom Adonai) (_) – The Day of the LORD (Read more) (Joel 1 :15) | Der Tag des HERRN
- Yom Kippur (יוֹם כִּפּוּר) – Day of Atonement, the Holiest of the Jewish Holidays | Tag der Versöhnung, der höchste Jüdische Feiertag
- Yom Teruah (יוֹם תְּרוּעָה) – The Day of Shofar, Feat of Trumpets, The Day on which Messiah will come (=Rosh HaShana) (Read more) | Der Tag des Schofars, Der Tag der Posaune, der Tag, an welchem der Messias kommen wird
- Zarut Ayin (זרות עין) – Envy | Neid
- Zechut (Zechus) (זכות) – Merit, Advantage, Privilege, Reward (Read more) | Vorteil / Belohnung, Vermächtnis
- Zichrono Livracha (z”l) – May his memory be for a blessing (often abbreviated ‘z”l’) (Read more) | Möge sein Andenken ein Segen sein (bei Verstorbenen)
- Zikuch (זיקוך) – Purification | Läuterung
- Zohar (Sohar) (זֹהַר) – Splendor or Radiance – the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah | Sohar, das Hauptwerk der jüdischen Kabbala
- Zuhama (זוהמא) – Spritual filth, contamination, pollution, poison (caused by the nachash (snake, haSatan), imparted to Adam after he ate of the tree) (Read more) | Verunreinigung, Gift, das durch die Schlange (Satan) in Adam und alle Menschen gekommen ist
- Zulat (זוּלַת) – apart from, other than, beside. (Comment provided by Alexandra Ursanu) Add to that the pronominal affix for masculine singular, and you obtain the word “zulato”, which means “apart from him”, meaning the other person, as opposed to one’s self. In Ashkenazi accent, the word “zulato” is often read “zulaso”, “zuloso” or “zulosoy”, depending on the speaker (usually, in Ashkenazi accent, the final ‘t’ is replaced with ‘s’, for example the Rabbi reads Bereishis, and not Bereishit / Genesis). The concept of “zulato” in Torah world and especially in Hashkafa (deep fundamentals of Torah understanding, which is what Rabbi Shimon Kessin is almost exclusively teaching, as does his brother, Rabbi Mendel Kessin) refers to man, but not necessarily the man as a biological human being that we usually imagine when we think of man, but the idea of man as a conscious being, as something that has self aware mind, or self-awareness. Man has that self aware mind, which G-D derived from Himself, as Rabbi explains. Also the Rabbi explains that man’s self-awareness causes also an illusory, false, paradoxical sense of being different or separated from G-D, hence being a “zulato”, “other than Him”. But that illusion is what man, of course, has to overcome. | Getrennt von, anders als, neben. Mensch, aber nicht unbedingt Mensch als biologisches menschliches Wesen, wie wir ihn uns normalerweise vorstellen, sondern die Vorstellung vom Menschen als bewusstes Wesen, als etwas, das einen selbstbewussten Geist oder ein Selbstbewusstsein hat.
- Zzzz Spare (…) ( ) – xxxh | xxx
ABYA .. Atzilus, Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiah
[FN2] quote The 5 created worlds are divided into Olam HaBa ( the world to come ) and Olam HaZeh ( this world ).
0) Olam HaBa is also known as Adam Kadmon (Primordial Man). This world is completely unknown to us (eye has not seen or ear heard). The experience of G-d and existence is greatest in this world. It is the final destination of the righteous.
Olam HaZeh is divided into 4 worlds. Three of them are spiritual and one is physical.
1) Atzilus is the world of emanation. Only G-d dwells in this world although He is present in all worlds. The heaven of the heavens cannot contain the infinite One. He is beyond all these realities He created yet He is present within them.
2) Beriah is the world of creation. The higher malachim ( angels ) and neshamas ( the higher spiritual soul of man ) were created in this reality.
3) Yetzirah is the world of formation. Adam ha Rishon and Chava ( Eve ) were formed in this world until they were expelled to the physical world. This reality is also called Gan Eden ( Garden of Eden/ Paradise/heaven ). Righteous neshamas ascend to this world to receive reward for their righteous deeds done in the physical world. Other neshamas descend to Gehinnom ( purgatory ) a place of suffering and purging. Gehinnom is not an eternal hell where souls suffer eternally. A soul is punished according to G-d’s principle of justice called middah keneged middah ( measure for measure ) for sins not atoned for.
4) Asiyah is the physical world of action. It is in this world that we do works of good or evil. G-d’s presence is most hidden in Assiya. Obedience to mitzvot ( commandments) through emunah ( faith ) and ahavas ( love ) brings the Ohr ( light, presence) of G-d and the Messiah into this world. We are in this world to effect personal and global tikkun ( repair ) through deeds of chesed ( loving kindness ).
(The hidden inner dimension of the Torah). unquote [FN2]
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2. US/Ashkenaz Vernacular – Prounounciations R.Mendel Kessin
Sounds like…:
Dveikus = Devekut | Goyvah = Gaa’va | Oylam = Olam | Riboneshlem = Ribono Shel Olam | Sutten = Satan | Toyrah = Torah | Toyvah = Taavah | Soyamah = Zuhama
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3. Scriptures frequently mentioned by Rabbi M. Kessin:
- Gen.25:23: (מִמֵּעַ֖יִךְ יִפָּרֵ֑דוּ וּלְאֹם֙ מִלְאֹ֣ם יֶֽאֱמָ֔ץ וְרַ֖ב יַעֲבֹ֥ד צָעִֽיר)
… and in the end the older (Esau) will serve the younger (Jacob). - Gen.33:9: (וַיֹּ֥אמֶר עֵשָׂ֖ו יֶשׁ־לִ֣י רָ֑ב אָחִ֕י יְהִ֥י לְךָ֖ אֲשֶׁר־לָֽךְ)
Esav said, “I have enough, my brother; let that which is yours be yours.” - Isa.60:22: (אֲנִ֥י יְהוָ֖ה בְּעִתָּ֥הּ אֲחִישֶֽׁנָּה ) (Be’ita achishena)
I the LORD will hasten it (or speed it up in due time). - Hab.2:14: (כִּ֚י תִּמָּלֵ֣א הָאָ֔רֶץ לָדַ֖עַת אֶת־כְּב֣וֹד יְהוָ֑ה כַּמַּ֖יִם יְכַסּ֥וּ עַל־יָֽם)
For the earth shall be filled with awe for the glory of the LORD as water covers the sea.
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4. More terms and definitions see also Chabad Glossary.
Additional Info about the Birkat Haminim
It’s really bad! === This text is copied from a Facebook post, published in 2019 ===
Many of you may not realize that within THE central prayer of all prayers within Akiva-Judaism [The “Amidah” or “standing prayer” – also called the “Shmoneh Esreh” (the eighteen)] is a 19th “blessing” added under the authority of rabbi Gamliel II in the late 1st or early 2nd century during the mishnaic period (remember that the Mishnah came from Akivah’s followers). That curse is called the “birkat ha-minim” (blessing/curse on the heretics). I link to a brief discussion of it below. Notice the raw, unapologetic hatred within the curse. … Let them be “destroyed in a moment” and “blotted out of the book of life” … and “not be inscribed with the righteous”. In other words, it is literally a prayer to God asking Him to eternally damn those Akiva-Judaism doesn’t like. WOW! Compare that to Yeshua teaching us to love our enemies. Which is the more obvious Godly mindset? Akiva-Judaism has a LOT of material suggesting hatred of certain groups or peoples. It is required for every Jew to say this prayer 2 to 3 times daily. Sadly, even many alleged followers of Yeshua say it. Though they generally omit the curse against Yeshua’s followers, they nonetheless show honor towards those who indoctrinated this prayer into synagogue liturgy. I utterly refuse to say it! I, instead, pray from the heart instead of a book scripted by haters of Yeshua as – once again – Yeshua taught us to do. If you pray the Amidah, that’s your choice, but it is wise to consider who you are following when you do. Furthermore, the “Shulchan Aruch”, which is THE definitive code of Judaic Halachic law, requires that any hazzan or chazzan (guy who leads congregation in prayer) who stumbles over, misses, or makes a mistake during the birkat ha-minim part of the Amidah prayer is to be cast out of the synagogue since he may be a minim (heretic). It is allowed that for any other stumble or mistake within the rather lengthy prayer he is to simply be politely corrected and is allowed to continue. The only exception is the birkat ha-minim. In fact, even asking a person if they want to be the chazzan is a test. If they decline they are to be marked as potential minim or, in some cases are even then cast out. Some attempt to say that the birkat ha-minim isn’t for early followers of Yeshua. Don’t believe them. The evidence is overwhelming that it is, and even the Jewish Siddurs (prayer books) such as the Artscroll Siddur generally admit it within their commentary along with every rabbi I’ve personally ever heard. Even if It possibly originated to target Sadducees and others, subsequently using it to target Yeshua’s followers is undeniable.
[FN1] = Footnote #1: Text copied from
[FN2] = Footnote #2: Text copied from my like-minded FB friend Leon J Hargreaves.
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