Text received from the author of the website TorahOfMessiah.org
Deutsche Übersetzung (German translation) folgt.
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Text received from the author of the website TorahOfMessiah.org
Deutsche Übersetzung (German translation) folgt.
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Source: Does Christianity Truly “Follow” Christ? Revised 8/2019 | Page copied with the friendly permission of the TorahOfMessiah (ToM) website author. | ➔ The page content is also available as Podcast under Proof: Christianity Teaches AGAINST Following Christ (Part 1 through 5)
Deutsche Übersetzung (German translation) siehe hier.
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Are we really doing Church “By the Book”? / Lebt die Kirche wirklich gem.”dem Buch”?
Why does the pastor preach a sermon at every service? / Warum predigt der Pastor in jedem Gottesdienst?
Why do church services seem so similar week after week? / Warum ist ein Gottesdienst wie der andere?
Why does the congregation sit passively in pews? / Warum muss die Versammlung so passiv in den Stühlen sitzen?
No, he wasn’t! He was a Jew, serving his Monotheistic God YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
War Jesus der Gründer des Christentums? Nein, war er nicht! Er diente seinem monotheistischen G”tt Hashem, dem Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs. Warum? (Zum Deutschen Text hinunterscrollen.).
(See also Torah of Messiah for more in-depth study about Yeshua.)