Emperor Constantine and Pagan Christianity

Page created: Nov. 2018

(German: Kaiser Konstantin und das Christen(heiden)tum)

(See also note about the book “When Jesus Became God” at the bottom of this post).

Yeshua (Jesus Christ) was not a Christian. He was a Torah observant Jew. So were the Apostles Rabbi Sha’ul (Paul) and Kepha (Peter) – they were not Christians but Torah observant Jews. They kept the Sabbath and celebrated YHWH’s feasts according to Lev.23 and ate kosher.
Was Emperor Constantine the Great a Christian? What was his intention when he founded pagan “Christianity” (Churchianity)? Did he see the Christian cross in a vision? Or did he follow Mithraism?
See also Constantine the Great and Christianity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great_and_Christianity .

Jeschua (Jesus Christus) war kein Christ. Er war ein Torahbefolgender Jude. So waren auch die Apostel Rabbi Shaul (Paulus) und Kephas (Petrus) – sie waren keine Christen sondern Torahbefolgende Juden. Sie hielten den Sabbat, feierten Gottes Feste gem. 3.Mose 23 und assen koscher.
War Kaiser Konstantin der Grosse ein Christ? Was war seine Absicht, als er das Christen(heiden)tum gründete? Sah er das Kreuz Christi in einer Vision? Oder war er ein Mithraist?
Siehe auch Kaiser Konstantin und das Christentum: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_der_Grosse .

Paganism/Osiris/Mithraism *Constantine’s Christianity*
(Source:dailymotion.com/video/x320elm, by “Webcam”)

Recommended Book: When Jesus Became God – The Struggle to Define Christianity During the Last Days of Rome – by Richard E.Rubenstein. See www.biblicalunitarian.com/articles/jesus-christ/when-jesus-became-god”.

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